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GTKRadient: Compile stops at second step ( -Vis)


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A. You have a leak. Fix it.


B. You did not make use of detail brushes. Depending on how you built your map you may wa...hmmm...


1. If your map is a fairly small map (like a multi map) or is surrounded by a skybox--or has low detail--the you should turn all brushes that DO NOT TOUCH THE VOID into detail brushes (select them and press "ctrl+m")


2. If your map is large or takes place indoors then make wise choices on what you turn into detail brushes--as you may want structural brushes in some places to make leafnodes.


...If you care to have me go on and on and on about the use of detail brushes then just say so....now I will get back to the topic.


C. As Mister_Sinister said--intersecting brushes--can really, REALLY--especially if they are structural--can slow down the vis process.


D. Hint brushes. Hinting really brings the vis process to its knees--and if you have an incorrectly placed Hint Brush--then its going to KILL the VIS process.


To test and see if any of these are your problems--then compile the map on the BSP NOVIS selection. If it compiles--then one of these is your problem. If it still doesn't.....then....uhhh.....hmmm.


Ask Rich or Emon = )

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ok lol, u mentioned skybox, i have been haveing a problem with that, andy tried to help me but it seems it didnt work, when i delete the roof of the sky box it compiles fine but if i keep the roof on it stops and the second step, but i need the roof of my sky box so it doesnt do that weird thing that freezes in gameplay. if i do the control +m to my sky box should it fix this?




ok lil update , tryed bsp novis and it completed

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Whatever you do---DO NOT make your skybox or any other brush touching the void a detail brush (by pressing ctrl+m).


So its the skybox huh?


Things to try.


1.Delete it. Make it again. Line up the brushes so they do not intersect each other. Texture the entire thing with system_caulk. Then face texture (press "ctrl+shift+click") the visible inside of the skybox with whatever texture you want.



2.Do the same but use a different shader. Maybe it doesnt like the particular shader you are using (I don't know why this would be a problem but might as well try it anyways.)


3.send the map to me and I will take a look. kastraelie@clearsource.net


But you also gotta remember. You said this is your first map ever (am I correct) the VIS process *can* take hours. The better and more skilled you become--the more techniques you learn to lower VIS time.


If all else fails just wait it out. And it probably will finish if the junk.txt don't show any errors.

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VIS is the process where the compiler breaks down the map into leaf node.s.....wait....this is a very, very complicated subject....and I feel that I should direct you to a more expert source.




1. ---Greatest tut ever made on the like




2. Pretty Da** good page



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I don't think you've got a leak, I dont' even think you could get past the BSP stage with one.


Let it go all night, and if it finishes in the morning, it means you've got a really poorly constructed map that's just taking extremely long to compile.

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