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Oh No, Not Another SWGB2 Thread!

Crazy_dog no.3

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With all these SWGB 2 threads coming out, I’m making my own.


I would like SW:GB 2 to be like this; Each civ has it’s own unique looking Rebellion (Supremacy)- type Command Center. In the galaxy map u double-click on the planet and u go into it. When on a planet, the game uses the RoN engine, the cities are here called bases. To build anything, u have to be in “planet mode”, as well if in being in a ground battle and commanding covert operations. U cannot go back to the galaxy map if u are in battle or in a covert mission.

Space battles are carried out in a 3D engine and is called space mode. U cannot gather resources or build in space mode, or go back to command center if in a battle.


Civs and Resources-


Mon Cals, Empire, Rebels, Wookiees, Underworld (they were gonna have this in CC), Ewoks, Republic, Trade Fed, Naboo, Gangun, Confids


Carbon, Ore, Food, Nova, Credits, Tech


Anyone else like this?

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i like what i hear, but i doubt it wud go down to well, i wudnt like playing for 5 hours, i mean itd be boring, i have this to say for a possible SWGB 2



Resources: Credits, Nova, Carbon, Ore/Metal, Food.


Uses For Resources:


Credits: Reasearch and Special Units.


Nova: Can Be Traded For Credits, Needed to build some types of unit and also needed to research.


Carbon: Needed to build all units and buildings except fortress.


Ore/Metal: Needed to build defenses and Fortresses.


Food: Needed to TRAIN men and to keep them alive (i.e food goes down gradually when food is depleated men die)






Map Types:


The Largest type of map has to be 6-10 times as big as giant in the SWGB CC.


All different terrains. i.e snow, sand, starfield, grass, dirt, lava, metal.


Must look way better on terrains. i.e stars slightly twinkle, trees sway from time to time, pathways look more like paths, when units walk across snow and sand (more types) a trail is left longer.


A night and day cycle must be added, but can be taken away if the host wants to.






Mon Calamari


Galactic Empire

Rebel Alliance


New Republic

Royal Naboo



The Sith (yes this doesnt have to be included, but it wud be nice)

Trade Federation


Imperial Remanent






Multiplayer Support: 2-12 players

More Toybox Units. i.e different species like the cantina folk

More Heros. i.e Kyle Katarn, Jan Ors

Population: 750-1000

Graphics: 2D/3D (more 3D)

Flanking Manouvers are available. i.e people on a cliff have an advantange.




thats all for the moment....


let me know what you think!


im gonna post a thread with FULL details on what a new SWGB2 should include.





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