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Frame rate help?


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I have my graphics settings tweaked so I get like 60-90 FPS when I'm not looking at much, but when I look at a large area of level geometry, it drops to like 10-20 FPS, what can I change to get better performance with level geometry?

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well there's a lot to that question.

it has to do with level design, start with making all brushes that are walls and floors and ceilings structural, and the rest detail. That is way oversimplified of coarse but more later. If there is a door in a wall that is structural use an area portal to maintain the structure. these are things to consider before and during level design.

good luck.

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You might want to update your drivers, which might help, also,

some commands which won't affect the game but might help are adjusting the FPS, since JO defaults to 85... if by adjusting it, there's a chance it could improve your FPS. also, for large maps, you could consider adjusting your Hunkmegs



set com_maxFPS 120

set com_hunkMegs for 128, you would put 64, for 256+, you would put 128... sometimes I put 300+


there's other commands for adjusting your sound and geometrics, but they are eluding me.

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