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Saber- more luck than skill?

Luke Seaswimmer

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Is there a good general strategy when going against Shadowtroopers (and Reborns to some extent) on the Jedi Knight and Jedi Master levels?


Whenever someone asked for tips in fighting these enemies, the answer usually is, "Speed and Slash: go Force Speed then slash them"


But in the higher levels the enemies have Speed too.


It seems that in going against sabre-equipped enemies, Reborns in general and Shadowtroopers in particular, takes luck more than skill to defeat them. They're just too fast. Thus the Force Speed to level the playing field.


But when they have Speed too? What then?


Thanks in advance guys

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These tactics will work against some Reborns and Shadowtroopers but not on all.

-grip them and throw your saber (mostly in earlier levels)

- some of them will counter grip with push, in this case grip them only very very short and immidiately push or pull them after that, then hit them when they are on the ground or throw your saber ( that needs timing, if you don't do it right they will counter push or pull)

- in yavin_canyon lure the shadowtroopers to your ATST and trample them to death ( note: none of the ATST weapons can hurt them and their saber can do a lot of damage )

- if you fire the repeater on them (mostly weaker Reborns ) and then suddenly switch to alt fire they sometimes don't dodge it .

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Thanks for the help. I'm beginning to use them in my fights. In fact, just downed a Reborn using Grip and Push on the big bridge thing with large electrified rotating blades. Thank you all :-)


Now I'm facing off against Shadowtroopers, and they're tough. They don't get sliced as easily as Reborns, and they're fast. And they have Lightning. This could get ugly :-)

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Yeah I think you may have a point.

I was battling Desann last night (the last mission) and I spent an hour getting beat by him. This included using the red beam to put what I assume was some sort of protective bubble around me (?). Anyway, after about 90 mins of this I did something (not sure what) but he collapsed in a heap and that was that...When Desann delivers a fatal blow it goes into slow-mo mode showing what he did to you, but it doesn't do this when you deliver the telling blow...so I don't know what I did! :)


Having said that, I'm probably rubbish with the lightsaber, all I do is hit the fire button on the joystick all the time, move side-to-side and hope for the best......


On shadowtroopers, I use lightning a lot , that gets 'em sometimes...


Great game overall though. Enjoyed the puzzles!

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Originally posted by memezcom

Having said that, I'm probably rubbish with the lightsaber, all I do is hit the fire button on the joystick all the time, move side-to-side and hope for the best......


That joystick is why you're rubbish, you should use keyboard/mouse if you want to be good. :)

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They are fast, and that's not funny. It boils down to playability issues; if your system is fast enough for you to get at least 20 fps in ANY situation, then you can almost always see them swing their lightsaber your way (when in Force Speed) and stop whatever you were doing (to block) or retreat in time. The problem with sh*t systems like mine is, it is playable when no one is around. Whenever there is heavy firefight, however, yes, try to dodge two lightsabers locked on you with 5 or 10 fps.


Desann is the nastiest; most of his Force powers are at least one level higher than yours when you fight him, and yours are all max (3). That includes Lightsaber Offense, Grip, Push and Pull. So when he attacks you with these, you have a pretty low chance to block/counter them, whereas when you attack him with these, he will block them most of the time. One exception: if you oush/pull from the rear, that will always work. The problem is to make him show his back on you. But once he is knocked down, Force Speed immediately and you have a free Strong finisher in (Retreat back a little, switch to Strong attack style, run directly forward and at him, and press Fire. That will make Kyle do a large vertical swing that does around 100 damage, depending on where it hits.) Desann has 500 hit points, Reborn have 100 (except bosses), and Shadowtroopers have 200.


Use that invulnerability ray in the center of the hall to cast Force Protection on you for a limited time with Desann close by, after which use Force Speed.


There is a good tactic to use against dark troopers in Yavin Swamp level; the presence of a lot of water around should give you a clue. Take a dive and lure a couple of shadowtroopers into deep water. Lightsabers go out underwater, right? Right. Pull out your repeater and blast away. Push, Pull and Grip don't work underwater either. Lightning, however, still does. Beware of it and use it to your advantage; and don't forget to take a breath periodically.


Finally, Lightning, althouth does pretty low damage and drains mana quickly, has the advantage of paralyzing enemies (SP only). Force speed and do a quick shock. While they recover, you might have enough time to get a strong cut in as well. But you aren't supposed to use dark powers as a light Jedi, are you? :)

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Originally posted by Pa3PyX

They are fast, and that's not funny. It boils down to playability issues; if your system is fast enough for you to get at least 20 fps in ANY situation, then you can almost always see them swing their lightsaber your way


Desann is the nastiest; ... One exception: if you oush/pull from the rear, that will always work.


Use that invulnerability ray in the center of the hall to cast Force Protection on you for a limited time with Desann close by, after which use Force Speed.


There is a good tactic to use against dark troopers in Yavin Swamp level;... Take a dive and lure a couple of shadowtroopers into deep water... Pull out your repeater and blast away.


But you aren't supposed to use dark powers as a light Jedi, are you? :)



Thanks for that informative, and civil response :-)


Desann was indeed tough. The first time I played was in Padawan mode, and even in Easy, he still kicked my ass! :-) I finally got him with a combination of Force Speed and Force Push. Maybe I just got lucky. :-) The second time, I used the Fountain of Light to grant me invulnerability.


Good tactic on the Yavin swamp area. I'll try that one.


By the way, how many levels of Reborn are there? 4 levels? 5?

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I think there are 5 kinds of Reborn: plain Reborn (bright red/yellow), Acrobats (blue), Force Users (beige/yellow), Fencers (green), and Bosses (dark red/grey).


Per Desann, also what people were doing is cut down one of those pillars when he is nearby; if the support collapses and falls right on him, he will be killed instantly (and you too, if it happens to cover you also). But that's tricky since as soon as you start swinging or throwing your saber, he will start tossing you around.

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What I'm thinking of doing is replacing the Reborns' skins with another model. I don't know why, I just don't much like their hoods, looks like a shawl to me :-)


Don't know what model yet.


I tried to cut down a pillar to drop on Desann. After all, if you want to hit him, why not hit him with the biggest thing around; a pillar :-)


Like you said, when I used a saber he came and threw me around. The second time around I used a heavy repeater. By the time the pillar fell, Desann was miles away :-)

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