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Nobody knows how to create custom npcs


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Well it seems nobody knows how to fix this problem I have posted it everywhere and nobody has an answer for it, that is so sad.


"HI, I have a problem and I wander if anybody here can help me out, well here is the thing, every time I make a custom npc in the npcs.cfg and then spawn it in sp the lightsaber comes out from his butt and he/she can't move it. Anyone knows how to fix this?"


If somebody knows how to fix it please tell me, right now the jk community has dissapointed me.

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Well first with the preachin'

I get the impression regular people will answer the same question just so many times. When your question doesn't get answered it's mostly because;

a. People don't know

b. You'll find the answer to your question about twenty times in these forums.

So I suggest you take the effort to LOOK before you post and definately before you complain. Don't complain about other people not making an effort for you if you don't make it for yourself.


when you need the best info of a board, simply order them by # of replies. If you've got a more specific issue, order the topics by title and check out threads with titles starting with words related to your problem.

For your specific problem maybe try the currently visible topic 'weapon in crotch' over at the modelling forum, although I'm not sure the solution lays in that topic.

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Well, anyhow

What I've picked up (I would not normally post this because I haven't tried the solutions myself and am not sure it will work)

1. Generally people say it's because one of the tags or sth in the actual .glm file isn't named properly, so the game doens't have anything to position the weapon relative to.

2. Personally I'd first make sure that your npc is named correctly, the class is named correctly and you don't use enemy classes for friendlies and the other way around.

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ok, what if i use a model like the Ki Adi Mundi model for a jedi?

i name the npc JediKiadi and I put all the same characteristics that the jeditrainer has but using the Kiadi Model, why does it come with the lightsaber between his legs? it can't be a problem with the model because if I replace the jeditrainer model with the ki adi mundi model and leave his name as jeditrainer in the npcs.cfg file it works fine. Any ideas?

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thaks a lot!! if that works it is, someone also gave me that solution but I haven't tried it yet because I am at college right now but since there are 2 persons now that gave me the same solution I think it will work fine, THANKS A LOT!!!!!!!!! If it works ,yes, I will be veeeery Happy


Thanks again

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