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WIP: RCS Eldritch Storm (Victory Class Star Destroyer Mk II)


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You arent the only one, Cat. The list is kinda short as is... I guess you, WhiteShdw, and Wes Merrakesh so far.


Just for general edification : The error is a CM_InlineModel : Number Bad error. I think I've gotten it narrowed down to a particular door... fortunately, it's an area I can easilly delete and there wont be any loss to the map. Actually, I'm thinking of getting rid of a lot of extra rooms.


Question : Is there an upper limit to the brush count allowed, and what is it?


Question : Why are my custom textures showeing up in editor as reversed? I.E. The textures have words on them. They look like they would if they were viewedc in a mirror.


Question : Why am I putting more questions up?


:deathii: Great. ANOTHER Imperial Project Finance budget cut. First WE cant get finished, now we cant even finish a simple SD...

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BETA testing may be a little further away than I had hoped - The issue with the error in game has recurred. Therefor, until I find a way to either get around it or fix it, this project is oficially On Hold.


The error, as previously mentions is "CM_Inlinemodel : Bad Number" If you have any information of this error, ,let me know, huh?

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I did some web-surfing and found a Quake website say:

This was caused by not doing a quick or full QBSP3. I thought that since I was only creating new entities that I could just compile with Entity Only. WRONG!!

R. Merrick

Obviously,thats not it...


Then i saw:




An entity that requires association with a brush, Such as a func_wall, func_door,or trigger_once has no brush associated to it.


This can happen if you make a bush entity, like a door or exploding box, then set the content to detail. I had it occur only when I compiled the level using the -nodetail option in this case. The brush didn't exist in -nodetail, so it returned this error.






Does this help (MAYBE?!?) :eek: Im sorry i couldnt find anything else... thats all i found except for repeats. :(

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That is ALL the information on the NET. I've searched for days.



I've had an email from RAVEN that suggests that this error an they suggest that this occurs during an 'ENTITY ONLY' compile - whatever that means.


I have submitted my map to them for scrutiny and hope to have a more comprehensive answer from them sometime this week.


I'll let you know the details one way ot the other.



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I think this Entity Only thing doesnt apply to JK2Rad. *I've* never seen it anyway.


I started a thread on the error, and I got a couple of replies back, ,includuing one mentioning a brushmodel limit. If I understand correctly, a brushmodel is any brush that is a func_whatever. If that's the case, the limit for MP is somethjing like 250 or so, in which case, when you break that limit (as I can gaurentee I may have done in this map) you get the error.


If I'm right, this project may have just died a grizzly and ugly death. I only have just over half of the planned ship done, and if this IS the case, there's no WAY I'm going to release a map with only half the ship.

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The news is on on the error I was having. And it wasnt good. My surmise was correct, and because of that, I am, at this time, ,declaring this project DEAD. I may make a few smaller maps based on some of this work, but as a whole, this map will never see the light of day. Pity too... ah well. At least I learned a few mapping things on it. Thanks for the support guys, and I wish I could give you better news.


Talk to you later...

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