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Is it possible.....?


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Sorry for the new thread but I need to know if its possible to get new charater models ingame with gmax? And if it is, are there any tutorials on this anywhere? Just to let everyone know Iam not being lazy, Im still looking with some search engines as I write this. Thanks for any help!!!!!!:D

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I'm not certain of the answer to your question, but I know how it feels to be in that kind of sittuation.

I THINK that you may just need someone with 3dsmax (or perhaps another capable program) to convert the model when you are done.

Gmax can't convert the file to a glm (I think that's right), but 3dsmax can. So I THINK that you can do everything up until the final stages, and then you would have to get it converted either by someone else (which may be possible) or get your hands on a sutable program by then.


Wish I could be of more help, but I'm only just learning.



The above post is purely guess-work, derrived form the faint memories of previous posts on these and other forums. Any incorrect comments and/or ignorant misuse of terminology should not be taken so seriously so that you either judge the author to be an idiot; nor should you necessarily pay attention to those views so that you completely screw yourself by following the said "advice". :p


may the force please be with you and have a nice day

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