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objective based multiplayer

Miggs the Just

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I've been playing JkII for a while now and it's a great game, but I find the multiplayer lacks originality. I'm used to playing RTCW multiplayer and objective based MP. I was thinking that if RTCW and JKII are based on the same engine, there must be a way to program some of RTCW's features into JKII.


Here's some Ideas:


Respawn points that need to be activated like raising the flags in RTCW. Could this be done?


I had an idea for a scenario where the jedi team would have there ship trapped in the Death Star Docking Bay. They would have to get to the tractor beam generator, deactivate it. get up to the control room and steal the Death Star plans, then make it back to the ship in a certain amount of time. All the while the Empire team made up of Mercs would try to stop them.


What do you think of these? Whats possible? what isnt? I'm going to start investigating on my own but any information would be great.

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