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Multiplayer Medieval Fantasy RPG


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alright gonna be a big post so get a glass a water and a pillow :p


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first the images:






















OK so basically im trying to get a multiplayer medieval fantasy rpg mod going. there are a few medieval themed mods in production but all of them are focusing as a single player total conversion, i woudl much rather play online with buddies in a more coop kind of scenario. most likely it will use the upcoming RPG mod as a base. ive had this idea for quite some time now and have been collecting information on how and if it could be done coding wise, as well as creating content for it to get some interest and to show that the mod will happen. so ill list what i have so far:

about 16 monster models (5 are in game)

about 20 weapon models (16 are in game)

1 map (just need to bot waypoint)

a couple of custom textures

quite a few prefabs from a map i was working on but got to big, includes farmhouses, 2 story city houses, church, castle wall pieces(for easy construction), windmill, guard tower, etc.)

some gfx replacements

and some sounds.


so far it runs off of the Jedimod1.2 and uses the Katana mod's saber sounds.

i think that starting small gameplay wise and then building up into something better is the best way to go about a mod. i have seen and been on many mod teams with large dev documents and it just became to overwhelming and many of the members got burnt out on the project. i would want this mod to be very open and be more of a platform for others content. so people could tweak it how they saw fit and add whatever they want.


the map i have is Ronnigan's Pass and is meant to be a section of an area that i hope to build. ill release it soon once i have more content for the medieval mod. it features an entrance from a large mountain, one takes a stroll down the trail mountain side and across a large void via wooden bridge. it then is not very linear allowing the player to either follow a dirt path or go into the woods some. along the dirt path is a small house, the house of ronnigan (he is yet to be added but he is a crazy old man hermit, that clues you in on a quest) the house lies next to a river and have a large spinning water wheel. upstream a little is a bride leading to a small area across the river and upstream even more is a water fall. the whole place is supposed to be kind of this clearing in a mountain trail. and the exit is hidden. (there are also other hidden places in the map which will contain some sort of goodies) it isnt bot waypointed yet but will be soon.


the weapons shown in the picture arent all what they look like in game and some arent in game yet. for example the great maul's handle has been made much longer and other such changes on the other weapons so that they look proportional in game. i plan to add more polearms (like the scythe), bows and xbows, as well as other throwing objects like throwing knifes and rocks.


the monsters are heavily inspired by Ultima Online but are styled differently due to recreation. none of the monsters are specific to the title's intellectual property so they all are legit. They have all been created in much haste so their construction isn’t the best and at sometimes rushed, and even more so rushed is the importing into the game. They have no caps, aren’t named the proper sections, and are only quickly segmented for ease of assigning weighting using envelopes and binding (such as bolt_r_hand to R_hand) the black widow spider preformed quite well and would work nicely if holding a stunbaton.



now onto discussion:

if anyone has played Vas Ultima Rune then this is basically an attempt at a remake using a different engine and all new content.



again im not quite sure how it might work but one idea is to save client side but encrypted (not a very difficult encryption based more on player trust.) this would allow the player to go from server to server and play on different maps all with the same character. maybe saved as a cfg file with the possibility of creating multiple characters all saved and logged in by the name written. if this is to difficult or too many people are cheating then a server side save could be made and logged in using a password cmd. so like while on a server you would open up the console and type "/password Boris-pass" and that would log you into your character Boris.



possibly a system of teams that doesnt change your model or reset your score. this would enable a sort of choice coop . if the players wanted to work together and not hurt other actual players they could be on the blue team (Blue for innocent) however if they wanted to harm other players they would just join the Red team (PK, murderer) however this leaves the PK system with no consequences/punishment for killing another player. so somehow all member of the Red team need to be able to hurt their own team mates. also a murdercount of some sort needs to be saved to the player so that if you kill a person you have to stay on the red team for a certain amount of time which increases with the more people you kill and slowly counts down when you arent killing people.


Progression(skill based/level):

i would prefer a more skill based progression such as if you pick up a sword and starting hitting things with it you get better at hitting things with a sword. etc. however i would also like to have damage done be exp and a lvl system in place as kind of a bonus allowing you to get special abilities etc. the special abilities could come in the form of force powers (modified of course) that differ from magic (which right now i think would work as a weapon/ammo setup). so in the beginning the skills could be lets say swordfighting, axe wielding, mace fighting, and magic. and have the statistics of strength, intelligence, and dexterity. this is all quite inspired by Ultima Online

so the different monsters would have different amounts of exp which would be given per hit? (if that being to difficult then just on death, but that leads to kill stealing) stats would gain through gain of specific skill like strength gains as you gain in any of the fighting skills and int gains while using magic, dex however would just gain by running or swinging weapons around or jumping etc.



although for now the JediMod1.2 is doing a great job at making it look like i have different saber-like weapons they arent truly different weapons. something needs to be done to make it so that many sabers can be made all with their own damage scaling, own model, and own stance restrictions. so like a Great Maul (large hammer) does more dmg than a short sword but is limited to using the Heavy stance(red). the orange stance (one of the extra stances in the jedmod) would be great for a lot of the axes or 1-handed maces as the animation swings side ways in a chopping manner. some of the smaller weapons like a dagger could be made as stun batons because of their limited range and limited realistic animations. ranged weapons would mostly only be bows and cross bows both able to be like the bowcaster with new models(i have some created already) and arrows/bolts instead of green slime.

the different weapons would not be provided for you like they are with the selectable hilts they would have to be found and possibly saved to your character. monsters would drop them and maps may spawn certain low level ones just to get things started. weapons could have requirements like they need 50 str to pick up etc.

if having multiple saber-like weapons does not work however one other possibility is adding more stances and then having specific hilts specifically use the stance for that hilt(weapon) ,I have recently seen a damage.cfg being included in some mods that allows specific damagescaling of the stances. So that means for the great maul we could just restrict it to a red base stance and increase that specific stances damage. Though as you switch through the selectable hilts(which would be full weapons) the players possible stances would have to change accordingly.



from reading up on how the weapons work right now (the 128bit restriction) i think that having magic be weapons is a good choice(that is unless force abilities are limitless in which case it would switch to using force) since one could have 128 weapons if they all went off of the same ammo type with leaves about 100 spells all using the ammo type "mana" i think 100 spells is far more than needed for right now. spells would be the simple ones first such as fire ball, heal, etc. and then in a bit summoning spells using the npc alignments etc.

most "enchant" spell effects could be made much the same like the invulnerable shield or the ylsmari orb. tweaking this or the rage/absorb effects would made some spell enchanted players look snazzy :p. another idea is for more of the warrior/mage types and includes weapon spell effects. since this is a medieval mod all of the saber trail effects glow etc would be removed, but by turning on different saber effects it would look like a magic weapon. for example many fire sabers have been released, well when you run the fire sabers effects with a broadsword model it looks like a flaming broadsword :) . different effects could be applied thusly. as the mod progressed i would suggest expanding the magic skills and having instead broken up into different kinds of magic such as clerical/ necromancy/ pyromancy/ mature/ mind etc. having each one of these be its own skill we could then see the creation of Paladins and Death Knights as well as mages with combined spells. combined spells would only come in if a lot of coders had nothing to do or if they really liked the idea, basically it would just be while gaining in certain groups of magic more elaborate spells would be unlocked to the player. on top of this spells could require more than 1 person etc. it just makes the ability for great grouping fun. ... im rambling...



most likely all monsters should be npc's so that they dont fill up the server and are a little more configurable. their sizes would be tweaked so that like an ettin is 2.5 times as large as a player etc. but being npc's im not sure how saber handling would work as almost all of the monsters will use some sort of melee weapon (aside form magic or ranged).

the models provided can also be reskinned to provide more monsters, like the ratman can be reskinned with different clothes and its bot.jkb will make it use a bow over saber, therefore creating a ratman archer. again it could be reskinned to be albino and be made a ratman mage using magic. i read some about how the npc's could be configured to be friendly and or attack everything in sight and also being on different npc_teams. what im hoping for is that there is an easy way to make all of the monsters patrol around a bit where they are spawned and not attack any of the other monsters (is their an emotional attachments thing but for npc’s? this way one could just list every monster npc as friendly) the monsters would be quite spaced apart to cut down on lag/fps/ players getting mobbed. also along with the npc alignment i read that there was a setup to make them stand still and not attack anything unless they get attack first. i think this would make great Shopkeepers and generally any other friendly NPC and would encourage places to sheath their weapon while in town/ surrounded by friendlies.

spawning monsters i would like to be a little random and possibly ran off a cfg file. since this mod wouldnt use most of the weapon spawns would it be possible to make it so the monster npc’s could spawn from them as well as player spawns or any other over-land entity, this would make it so existing maps that fit with the theme could be used and not have to be messed around with much( although if too much of a pain then just spawn from a new mod-specific entity and include with all new maps made for the mod).

4 legged creatures or any other non-humanoid creatures have been avoided by modelers because of the restriction of the humanoid animations. i have a couple of idea of how to use the humanoid skeleton to make animalistic movement but only a few have been successfully tested. case 1 is the spider. i wanted to make a giant spider move like a spider but use the human animations. so i just weighted everything but the second parts of the legs to the pelvis then interchanged each leg with either weighted to ltibia or rtibia. what this created was a lot of legs all seemingly moving at different times. to gain the human acceptance a spider just needs to move its legs furiously to make it appear like its moving correctly and this was achieved. so spiders work. the next possibility will be wolves, i have made a wolf model for a different mod that failed and hope that by scaling it so that the size of its leg is the size of a human leg. it might run ok. then just using the model scale mod to make it about the size of a wolf. the only problem i could foresee (other than it not looking right) would be that the collision(i think) might mess up because a wolf is much longer horizontally than a human so slashing though its rear end might not end up in a registered hit (might not be to much of a problem though as they would still take up the human size)



The maps of course would be medieval themed but a stress on fantasy so elaborate structures and design are sky limit. quest maps could be made to give the players a purpose such as having all players spawn in town and then be told that a monster has kidnapped the princess etc. the player then choose (or dont) to work together to kill the monsters and return the princess. on top of that an entire world could be created linked together with teleports much like zoning in EQ. the only downside would be that if one player wanted to go to a different place all other players would have to go as well.


Extras (uneeded but listed here just as ideas for fun):

Gold I assume can just be saved to the player as an extra number to keep track of and deal with on the side. As the mod developes there is the possiblity of shop keepers buying and selling the weapons droped by the mobs.

Resources could also be a possibility such as wood or metal and then creates the possibility of a trade skill such as blacksmithing in wich the players could make their own weapons and imbue them with other such special items. Basicially the blacksmith would be very helpful in making or modifying weapons to enhance their power.

Shields, I have some modeled from an old mod that never finished. Seeing the dual saber mod I see that models can be spawned on the Bolt_l_hand and therefore one would be able to make it look like one is wearing a shield but the interesting part is making it functional and balanced. Such as somehow not allowthign the player to equip the shield if they have a 2-handed weapon in hand. Also im not quite sure how the shields would work coding wise, but one would want them to take a limited aount of the damged based on where you were hit and your skill of Parrying .

Armor is possible in a number of ways but would be most easily done if the mod used a basic model base such as a base male and female body type in themed clothes. Skin changes could take place for the leather and other such skin tight armors but for platemail there are 2 ways of going about it, one could deal with surfs and have the pieces turn on and off or one could just have another model of the same guy but wearing armor and have it switch to that model on command. The downside of the other model is that not all of the other players would see the model switch until that person or they died. I don’t know if the same is correct for the surfs but I think its not the same. Armor could basically lower the damage scale of wherever it was horn. You put on a helm and the head damge scale goes down to 0.8 etc.


What hopefully will happen Is people will include their own content, already before I had put in my own models I used the Xeyph skin of Desann which I love, to give everything a more fitting look. the D2 barbarian v2 could also be included.


for now i am posting on a geocities account, they do have a bandwidth limit and i have a lot of pictures so it will most likely be hit soon. i have sent in a request to be hosted by jediknightii.net and hopely it will be accepted so i can have a secure host.


thank you,


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Your links are messed dude. Geocities dosen't allow offsite linking, and the site links are missing /sadith1234/ so it's kinda hard to see the pics.


What I HAVE seen is cool though. NEED to get my hands on one of those swords.. buddy's been bugging the hell out of me to give the 'Quantum Knight' a european sword.


I'm working on a crossbow-bolt effect for my Remix mod if you're interested, based off of the Shuirken MOD:



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the links on this post work for me but because of geocities you have to drag and drop them to the address bar, sorry. and also thanks for the heads up about the page i fix that right away.


those cross bow bolts of yours look freakin awesome :) i am definately intrested in using them.


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I have to remove the 'skick to the wall' feature of the bolts for my MOD. That was cool, untill you realise the massive framerate hit, those bolts are models and having them stuck to the wall really ate up memory.


So what I've done is make the bolts 'explode' on contact. No extra damage just a 'boom' effect. The alt fire is cool with little booms going off, it would really confuse an attacker.


Anywho, here's it is: http://members.rogers.com/dragonremix/dr-bolt-beta.zip


Just let me know if you want to try the 'original' version.

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hehe yea geocities isnt the greatest for an image host but i was desperate. like i said above i sent a mail to jediknightii.net requestsing to behosted by them but they havent responded yet. also remark666 might be able to get me some space which i woudl be forever in debt to him. but he is pretty busy. i am going to try this other 50mb unlimited bandwidth host but i dont know if they are any good yet.


Corvax: the sticking in the wall i really dig is there any way to make the bolts dissappear after a given amount of time. like a shelflife? so that they stick in for hmm around 10 seconds? the explosion on impact sounds quite fun and would work especialy for fire bolts :D


currently working on another map for it this one will hopefully have a better framerate. (the tree models in the last one sometimes brought be down to 8-10 fps. i dont have the greatest machine so on a lot it woudl run fine but i figure that with the addition of more npcs all patroling and killing the fps woudl be safer if a bit higher.

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yea but then one cant save them for re-viewing, when spacemonkey posted his tuts it got me frustrated that i coudlnt save his reference sheets. i also chose to make them as urls so that they woudlnt take up the maximum amount of bandwidth.


thanks though :)


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Back to the topic of bolts, yea, the default in the suriken mod was to have them dissapear after 3-5 seconds. THAT killed my computer, and I've got a P4 & Geforce 4.


I'm going to see if I'll be able to redue it to a second, just enough to see it go *thunk* then vanish.


On an unrelated note, I'm throwing any 'solid' meele weapon I can into my JediMOD Remix. If you like you can use the stuff when it's released next week. Not like any of it was mine to begin with...

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i love the way JitD is going along,but it is a singleplayer mission and like i said somewhere in the first post, JitD is such a huge project i fear some of the team may get overwhelmed and drop out. so for this i just wanted to create the atmosphere of anyone and anyone can put in as much or as little help as they like.


other news: ok going to try a dirrent host that has unlimited bandwidth, i was trying out the links for the new host and they load a bit slower but i think they can be up much more :)


with new host one still has to drag and drop or copy paste to the address bar.


if still not working try :


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Originally posted by keto

i love the way JitD is going along,but it is a singleplayer mission and like i said somewhere in the first post, JitD is such a huge project i fear some of the team may get overwhelmed and drop out.


1. JitD is NOT single player. . it will be a multiplayer co-op (yeah, I know about Wired Lamp Studio's problems with the mod) for a bunch of players.


2.. Some members already HAVE dropped out :( (yet some new "faces" - well, not literally - have replaced them :) ), but there are still many who have the time and motivation to see it through.


Keto, I'm wondering: On your models, MANY of them seem to appear similar in facial features (or even body features). Did you re-use the same mesh as a base for most all of your models (as I have done - it saves time!) .. It's kinda cool to see all these characters . . . looking similar; a "continuity" between them. One can see your that your "artists hand" has passed on into your work.


DAna Nana Nana Nana RATmaaaan! RATmaaaaan! RATMAAAAAN

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oh i didnt know it was multiplayer coop, i thought i had read every single little thing posted on the site but i guess i didnt catch it. well then JitD i like even better now! :) the wired lamp studios problem i though twas just the map model limitation, just having a smaller level and/or the exclusion of using tons of map models shoudl fix this right? so it seems JitD shoudl have no prob since they are making all their maps in house.


yea in the modeling thread i confessed that i cannibalized the crap out of the models i think i made pretty much the ratman, ettin and then a few various model specific peices (wings armor etc.) then all the rest are just modifications of the models with varations, the shots in the screenshot arent the most up to date and i have attempted to go back and alter some of them more to not look so similar. i really shoudl have modeled them all individually for best optimization and uniqnuess but for the first stage of the mod i just wanted quantity over quality.


lol to the ratman song :):p


mod news: Remark666, a god, has just given me some space and so now i can upload much more and post more too :) ill be back on later with a fun model pack that ytou can use to show one of the more unique models :)



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