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National Day of Mourning and Prayer

Lord JayVizIon

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Tomorrow, September 14, at 4 PM pacific daylight time (7 PM east coast time), the united states will hold a prayer tomorrow for those who died in New York and Washington, D.C. Whether you are Americans or from another country, please take a moment to honor those who lost their lives in tragedy this past tuesday. thank you...

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Yes, thank you Jay. I will definately pray for our people. :( My school is having a mourning/observing activity today after 5th period. We were all supposed to wear RW&B too. My condolences to anyone who lost a friend/relative in the attack.


I would also like to say that I hope we bomb the living H*** out of those fools! :mad: They must all pay!!!

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Oh dear ... I didn't realize, but today I actually wore Red, White and Blue (as a non-american ... but it resembles the dutch flag too :))


Today at noon I was in the bus and the bus stopped for 3 minutes to honour the victoms ... and that's longer than we are silent if we remember the dead in WW2 (wich was in our country)

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Guest Generalchang

We have had a Preyer service every day since the crash, and will continue to do so for a week.


It is still really shocking to me...

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Guest Starnick10287

My school did too. Its almost unbelievable that this had happened, I almost lost my mom's uncle. Thank goodness he and his entire office had to go to another building for a meeting. I just feel so angry what these maniacs did, and they WILL be punished!

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