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scripting player commands


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k anyone know how i can put player commands into a behavior script as in;

set "go to first person view"

set "switch to saber (weapon 1)"

set "do this saber attack combo"


in other words in-game pc commands from the script


its for a cut scene. I just want the pc to kill a thug in slow mo but using a certain saber move.


can i call a config file from a script as in

"exec mycin.cfg" ?


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I would look at the fight scene between Luke and Desann on the Doomgiver. I would imagine it's mostly random, but I also imagine they do something to keep it going correctly, so Luke falls off at the right time, etc. Look at the source script for that.

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Oh yeah, another thing you can do. You could set the camera to "first person" by carefully placing the camera infront of the player's eyes. You could then play an animation with ICARUS, and at the right time kill the enemy. The only downside is that the saber will not have a light trail, you'll need to think about a way to fix it.


I would also not recommend first person at all, it probably wouldn't look very good.

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khewl thanks guys. sorry bout that the first person thing is for a droid; i play the map in 3rd person and when taking control of a droid it stays in 3rd person. which really is ok nbd.

so far i haven't found any scripts with commands of that nature, i'll keep looking. i think we are only limited to the body anims. it would be khewl to "choreograph" a cin fight though hehe.

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