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Today while casualy looking in the model section of jediknightii.net to my utter disbelief I saw a new Model by ME!!!! Since I don't remember having any modelling skills(or submitting any for that matter), I looked into it... and Well, it was the aayla secura model by spacemonkey with a ripoff skin from Hapslash Krishara skin(Aayla Secura Model)... I mailed Jediknightii.net to have it removed at once. (mainly because I AM NOT THE AUTHOR OF THAT ##*$!@@#).


To the author in question... You really have your credits messed up in the readme.txt!!! Please be more carefull next time. Credit goes to Hapslash and Spacemonkey, I don't even deserve to be in the readme!!!


To jediknightii.net... not again!!!


The model in question is "Sirne Jedi Master". And here is a Link to it http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=864 just incase you want to see what I mean...

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