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How to add decapitation to server/client?


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I am currently trying to set up a server and would appreciate any info on the following! =)


EDIT: adding my findings in case it helps others but more info appreciated!! >>


1) How do I enable dismemberment on the server?


>>g_dismember then a number ..but what does the number do?? =)


2) How do I enable dismemberment on a client?


>>cg_dismember then a number ..but what does the number do?? =)


3) What is easiest to use JediPLUS or Vulcanus? Or is there a better admin mod out there?


>I'm trying to use Vulcanus atm but I want to allow double lightsabers. How should I go about this or would changing to JediPLUS allow this?


4) My server does not appear on the internet list though I can connect to it directly if I add it as a favourite with its IP. It says it is sending the heart beat so what might be wrong please?


>Still cant see it on the internet list though someone else joined it at one point but they said nothing and wouldn't answer if they found my server on the list so a little confused.


Many thanks for any information given! =)


Jedi Master Hivetyrant

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Ok. First thing to do is to download and install Jedirunner from here:




Next get the server messaging utility from the same site. You can send messages from Jedirunner but this works better and is more flexible with mods.




Now I have tried many mods for JK2 and find the best one to use is Jedimod v1.2. It does not have the same admin features as adminmod or Jeiplus, but Jediplus is full of bugs and adminmod does too little.


Use the server messaging program to send your message of the day and rules to your clients.


Now follow the directions I posted here on how to use Jedirunner with a mod:




about halfway down.


Look at the directions in Jedirunner about the dismemberment, its under the help menu and is VERY complete.


Ok now you have your batch file made to run your server (if u followed the directions).


Make sure to setup the mod variables the way you want them.


In your own personal cfg file add this line:


set rconpassword (your password here)


This password should be the same one that you gave Jedirunner to use. Make sure you have a password so that you can give the server commands from within the game. If you did not make a password open the cfg file and look for the line and add it.


Start your server by doubleclicking the batch file you creatred. Look under lan games and you will see your server. Join in and within the console use these commands to do what they say:


/rcon status = the server status (who is connected)

/rcon Clientkick = kick a bad player (the client number is the first number in status)

/rcon Clientban = same as kick


These are just a few of the most basic commands. Remember you can change all mod variables from within the game by using /rcon then the variable you want to change like grapple:


/rcon mod_grapple 0 = off

/rcon mod_grapple 2 = on


Some changes need the map to restart in order for them to take effect, like a forcepower disable or switching to guns. So bind a key like this for map restart:


bind (key) "rcon map_restart"


You can use the same principal to change mod settings or kick a player. Here are my scripts for this:


//Kick or ban

set MORON-1 "echo [^1KICK ^1: ^1BAN ^1CLIENT ^60^7];set kick-player rcon Clientkick 0;set ban-player rcon Clientban 0;set moron vstr moron-2"

set MORON-2 "echo [^1KICK ^1: ^1BAN ^1CLIENT ^61^7];set kick-player rcon Clientkick 1;set ban-player rcon Clientban 1;set moron vstr moron-3"

set MORON-3 "echo [^1KICK ^1: ^1BAN ^1CLIENT ^62^7];set kick-player rcon Clientkick 2;set ban-player rcon Clientban 2;set moron vstr moron-4"

set MORON-4 "echo [^1KICK ^1: ^1BAN ^1CLIENT ^63^7];set kick-player rcon Clientkick 3;set ban-player rcon Clientban 3;set moron vstr moron-5"

set MORON-5 "echo [^1KICK ^1: ^1BAN ^1CLIENT ^64^7];set kick-player rcon Clientkick 4;set ban-player rcon Clientban 4;set moron vstr moron-6"

set MORON-6 "echo [^1KICK ^1: ^1BAN ^1CLIENT ^65^7];set kick-player rcon Clientkick 5;set ban-player rcon Clientban 5;set moron vstr moron-7"

set MORON-7 "echo [^1KICK ^1: ^1BAN ^1CLIENT ^66^7];set kick-player rcon Clientkick 6;set ban-player rcon Clientban 6;set moron vstr moron-8"

set MORON-8 "echo [^1KICK ^1: ^1BAN ^1CLIENT ^67^7];set kick-player rcon Clientkick 7;set ban-player rcon Clientban 7;set moron vstr moron-1"

set MORON "vstr MORON-1"

bind KP_HOME "vstr moron"

bind KP_UPARROW "vstr kick-player"

bind KP_PGUP "vstr ban-player"


//Server mod commands

set scommand-1 "echo [^1BOXING: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set mod_boxing 0;set on rcon set mod_boxing 1;set scommand vstr scommand-2"

set scommand-2 "echo [^1PUSHALL: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set mod_pushall 0;set on rcon set mod_pushall 1;set scommand vstr scommand-3"

set scommand-3 "echo [^1GRAPPLE: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set mod_grapple 0;set on-3 rcon set mod_grapple 2;set scommand vstr scommand-4"

set scommand-4 "echo [^1HILTS: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon mod_hilts 0;set on mod_hilts 1;set scommand vstr scommand-5"

set scommand-5 "echo [^1CLIENTSCALE: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set mod_clientscale 0;set on rcon set mod_clientscale 1;set off rcon set mod_hilts 0;set on-4 rcon set mod_hilts 1;set scommand vstr scommand-6"

set scommand-6 "echo [^1SCALEMODELS: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set mod_scaleModels 0;set on rcon set mod_scaleModels 1;set scommand vstr scommand-7"

set scommand-7 "echo [^1NERFSPIN: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set mod_nerfspin 0;set on rcon set mod_nerfspin 1;set scommand vstr scommand-8"

set scommand-8 "echo [^1DUALBLADES: ^3KPDOWN=2 : ^3PGDN=1^7];set off rcon set mod_dualblade 2;set on rcon set mod_dualblade 1;set scommand vstr scommand-9"

set scommand-9 "echo [^1VOTEING: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set g_allowvote 0;set on rcon set g_allowvote 1;set scommand vstr scommand-10"

set scommand-10 "echo [^1FORCEREGEN: ^3KPDOWN=O : ^3PGDN=NORMAL^7];set off rcon set g_ForceRegenTime 0;set on rcon set g_ForceRegenTime 200;set scommand vstr scommand-11"

set scommand-11 "echo [^1KICKTAG: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off vstr kickoff;set on vstr kickon;set scommand vstr scommand-12"

set scommand-12 "echo [^1TOGGLE ^1LIGHTNING: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set g_forcePowerDisable 128;set on rcon set g_forcePowerDisable 0;set scommand vstr scommand-13"

set scommand-13 "echo [^1TOGGLE ^1WEAPONS: ^3KPDOWN=ALL ^3ON : ^3PGDN=ALL ^3OFF^7];set off rcon set g_weaponDisable 65531;set on rcon set g_weaponDisable 0;set scommand vstr scommand-14"

set scommand-14 "echo [^1TOGGLE ^1EXTENDED: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set g_enableextended 0;set off rcon set g_enableextended 1;set scommand vstr scommand-15"

set scommand-15 "echo [^1TOGGLE ^1ALL ^1FORCEPOWERS: ^3KPDOWN=OFF : ^3PGDN=ON^7];set off rcon set g_forcePowerDisable 131198;set on rcon set g_forcePowerDisable 0;set scommand vstr scommand-1"

set scommand vstr scommand-1"

bind KP_LEFTARROW "vstr scommand"

bind KP_5 "vstr off"

bind KP_RIGHTARROW "vstr on"


set kickoff "rcon set mod_tag 0;wait;rcon set mod_tagBacks 0"

set kickon "rcon set mod_tag 1;wait;rcon set mod_tagBacks 1"


Hope that this helps you out. I will check back tomorrow to see if you have any other questions. Also you can run any mod with those directions but you can only run one mod at a time. Good luck. :D



Forgot! If you do not know the bandwidth that you have goto http://www.dslreports.com and run the speed tests to give you your upload speed. Then calculate the maxrate as follows:


8bits (b) to a byte (B). or 8b=1B


8x4000=32000bytes (32KBps) or (256kbps) = 8 players at a max rate of 4000


I use 8 players at 5000 and limit my maxping to 200. This keeps only local people on the server but limits the lag. I also disable lightning, its a killer. You can run a lower maxrate and a higher player number if you do a duel only server. But try to leave some bandwith for variations in the line. If you want 10 players set the maxrate to 4000. Its low by some standards but if you just have "local" traffic you will be ok.:D

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Thanks thats very helpful! =)


I was wondering if there is a command to allow people to download a map when they connect to the server if they dont already have it?


I have set sv_allowdownload to 1 but this doesn't seem to work =/


Also how can I set the amount of force points a person gets to spend please?


Many thanks =))



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Make sure you have a pure server...this will make them have the same files as you do and with download on it will give them what they need. You force ranks go from 1 to 7 with 7 being a jedi master but if you want an unlimited amount of points put 12 in, then everyone can fill up all of the force selections! I use 7 on my server.


Your welcome!:D

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