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Hmm kinda of a weird problem


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hey guys hope you can help me out. im almost done building my map but now ive come across a kind of odd problem. when i try to load it up, i get this:


GLIB ERROR ** could not allocate 4194305 bytes aborting....


If anyone out there can help me out it would be great :)

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Hmm. Not sure but since this is a thread for weird problems, I have just finished making map and receive this ugly message when some stormtroopers appear


WARNING : GeneratePermanentShader MAX_SHADERS (1024) hit (overflowed by 1,2,3,4,etc)


And I also get RE_AddPolyToScene Null Poly Shader


Some of my weapons now appear in black and white.


Please help.




P.S. It's an SP map if it makes a difference

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Usually that means(Ultimate Zeus) that you are trying to use a lot of custom textures, which the JO engine doesn't handle very well. So the best bet would be to run the map in MP, and see if that works. But I don't what your error means about GLIB. try asking RichDiesal. He might know.

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I honestly don't know, but I know that livingdeadjedi was told by raven that the sp code wasn't meant to have custom textures (which I think is kind of messed up), but mP obviously was designed for it, or MP wouldn't be as big as it is now, and if LEC evers takes the cork out of their ass, maybe SP will rise again:D /evil laugh MUHAHAHAHA!! /end evil laugh...

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Try checking the junk.txt file generated by RADIANT - It lists what's going on in the BSP process (Lists textures used and any errors)


Alternatively try this link for info on how to use the condump command to identify errors.



However finding out what these errors mean and more importantly how to eliminate them is a pain in the butt.


Also this link is useful



Good Luck!



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my map is set in multiplayer mapping mode, i tried to make a new map and i tested the bsp and it worked out great. The problem is not the bsp, its the fact that i cannot open my .map file in radiant due to some kind of error :( (the one i posted) im just wondering if this has happened to anyone and if so how they fixed it. Thanks for your posts guys :)

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