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WIP: Generic Jedi model


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OK i have started college again which means i will be boshing out some simple skins with the model, but not bad quality. I am hoping to release it this weekend to come. I have less time and new projects coming up so skinners, start up your paint shops, pappa's got a brand new toy. I hope to bring another variation of this model very soon, the light side version.


In more detail.....

All the reborns in SP will have the same skin.

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Sorry guys i couldnt get it out today.

I have finished but havent got a connection, this means I will not be able to send it out today. This also means ill be able to spend some time double checking the model for hidden errors. Try mid week or the end of the week. It really is looking great :D

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I know this is late, seeing as how the model is finished and all, but i'm a little confused on several points.


1) The title of this thread is "Generic Jedi Model," yet your model (while good) looks about as much like a Jedi as Vader looks like the Pope (Translation=looks like a sith model, not a jedi model).


2) It looks like you took a reborn head and stuck it on Darth Mauls body and made a few adjustments (this would also explain the relatively short amount of time it took to complete this model). And while I agree that this is a good departure from the clown-like Reborn that we see in the rest of the game, it just doesn't seem *that* original to me (i'm sure to get flamed for this one).


3) It's still got the weird hood thing that's not really a hood. I've seen people mention the fact that they didn't like this hood on the original Reborns. I'm no different in that respect. Call me old fashioned, I just think if there is no cloak (or something logical that a hood would attach to) there shouldn't be a hood.


I'm not trying to deter you from future modeling efforts or anything (like I said, it's good for what it is), I was just expecting something a little more original than a Reborn and Darth Maul's love child. And before all you hardcore fans of this model start flaming me, remember this is my opinion, and I am entitled to it, and I'm not bashing anyone else's opinions, so try and restrain yourselves a bit. ;)

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Originally posted by JEDI_Anakin_S

2) It looks like you took a reborn head and stuck it on Darth Mauls body and made a few adjustments (this would also explain the relatively short amount of time it took to complete this model). And while I agree that this is a good departure from the clown-like Reborn that we see in the rest of the game, it just doesn't seem *that* original to me (i'm sure to get flamed for this one).


You know, I never really payed close attention to this model until today, I looked at the pics, and thought it was just a reborn remodel, but it's more than that.


Anakin_S made a really good point. I do not throw around accusations lightly, but that model is just the reborn head and hood, and the regular stock Raven boots (look on Kyle, Luke) on Chechire's Maul models body, I didnt notice it at first, but it's Maul's body with just some verts pushed around to change the shape a little bit


I know Cheshire wouldn't give permission to use Maul's body, he stated recently that for legal reasons he did not want his model modified any.


I'd be intrested in seeing a wireframe, If only to prove me wrong, but there are quite a few things on that model that I'm highly suspicious of.


I notified Cheshire by e-mail so hopefully he will weigh into this matter. I admit I may be way off base here, but If I've learned anything through modeling it's that I can tell almost exactly how a model is constructed just by studying it a few moments.


One last thing, the uv's on him look really good, real professional looking. Wern't you unable to map your Royal Guard model?

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Take a look here: Click


There is no doubt that all you did was put a reborn head on Chesire's Maul. You altered his mesh some and added the skirt thing around the back of the waist. Also, it looks as though the skin used on the gloves and hands is exactly the same. This kind of thing really needs to stop. If you're going to use someone elses model (even if plan to edit their mesh) you should get their permission to do so.

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Take a look here: Click (fixed the link)


There is no doubt that all you did was put a reborn head on Chesire's Maul. You altered his mesh some and added the skirt thing around the back of the waist. Also, it looks as though the skin used on the gloves and hands is exactly the same. This kind of thing really needs to stop. If you're going to use someone elses model (even if plan to edit their mesh) you should get their permission to do so.

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Ah, you picked out one thing I missed Vigrid, I was looking at the construction of the hand only, which is absolutely identicle, but your right, it's the same exact texture on the hands.


Also if you notice the way the muscles are formed on his shoulders it's clear that his workflow is identicle to cheshires Maul body. Even with a few verts pulled, the workflow cant and did not change. Load the maul glm up in modview, you'll see what I mean


Now if you got permission from Cheshire that would be one thing (and I doubt you did, for legal reasons, Cheshire has stated that he did not want his mesh altered in any way, and I'm 99.9% sure I know what the legal reason is)


Anyway, Cheshire has been notified, and hopefully will post here soon. I don't mean to be a dick about this, but it's unethical to modify another authors work without permission.

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My thanks to Toonces and Darth Vigrid for backing me up on my point(s). Like I alluded to in my earlier post, the models looked way too similar for it to be coincidental.

I've noticed more and more that people are using/modifying parts of models or outright stealing an entire model and claiming it as their own work and submitting it to JKii.net and other JO sites. The most recent example I can think of was the creation of the "new" Twi'lek model whose author I can't remember. Basically this author had taken the existing Twi'lek model, re-skinned it (and I think made one or two cosmetic changes to the model) with gold tones. This was brought to Andy's attention fairly quickly and the matter was resolved. We have to start doing this more often and cracking down on those that are stealing others hard work. That's all I was trying to say, and I hope that any people that see other examples of thieves like this at work will turn them in for the good of everyone.

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