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Where is Everyone from?

Guest Barnabas Antilies

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Guest Barnabas Antilies

I'm from Virginia. I'm 22 years old





Father Barnabas Antilies, Supreme Chancelor

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Guest Plo Koon

I'm from good old Arizona. The sad thing is I haven't even been to the Grand Canyon and I live here. I could have gone, but my mom forgot to sign my permission slip when i was in 4th grade.


I'm 15 going on 16 in October.




You could no more evade my wrath, then you could your own shadow.

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Guest liquidkid

fabulous westport, connecticut! home of michael bolton! (seriously) but most of my time is spent in blacksburg virginia. (20)


it's indeed odd that this forum has died. perhaps people are bored of the game... perhaps it's the end of the semester or school year for some. (my semester is already over. summer time for me!)





-UNcouncil Master of Insults, Supreme Chancelor's Hitman, All Around Bully.


P.L.U.R. <> J9K-4-LIFE <> JEDI-4-LIFE <> MCL

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Guest Wickedness

I'm the big ol...18. =) and I be from the Heart of Silcone...er Silicon Valley, San Jose!!!



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Guest Maul Clone

Well let me put it this way, if there's a bright center to the universe I live in the city that it's farthest from. frown.gif

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Guest Rogue_Jedi

Gee, Maul Clone. I didn't realize we were neighbors. HOTH!! Hoth, ND ( at least it feels that way for about 9 months out of a year). Don't forget your Tauntauns.

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Guest Shinigami

im 15 goin 16 and from the golden state California.... oh hey plo, you've never been to the grand canyon? you should go, its pretty kewl, especially that deepest point... its freaky if yer scared of heights (like me biggrin.gif)



12.gif Duo Maxwell: the UNcouncil's Authority on Animé

"Mass genocide is the most exhausting activity one can engage in... next to soccer"

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Guest 84Elan

Wickedness SJ eh? I went to State there for 5 years and just got out this time last year I am now living in Cinci,OH (no I doo not work at WKRP). I can't say I miss SJ concidering how expensive everything is out there. Oh yeah and I am 24. Later Gents.

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Guest Acoylyte

I'm 14 and i live in Rybe Brook, or JAPville USA. its great





Acoylyte, The Supreme Ruler In Hell


"I killed Lucifer, now its you turn"

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Guest Jedi Trunks

I live in rye brook too, and i'm 15, and acyolyte, Darth Trunks and Darth Spawn's friend. we like are the 4 bestest friends. we all draw too, weird, and we sniff glue!





Trunks, Supreme Jedi

"Sniffing Glue is a way of life, never deny that!"

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Guest Darth Trunks

thats right, we r kick ass drawers and we love sniffing el Glue! i'm 15 too





Darth Trunks, Dark Lord of The Sith Order


"Obey your snifst,Sniff Wood Glue"

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Guest Darth Spawn

yup darth, were all good at waht we do. i'm 14





Darth Spawn, The Supreme Killer


"Testors, good for sniffing"

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Guest Wickedness

Ya, SJ is HELLLA PRICY! I cant wait till I LEAVE! Im goin to State next year...yay. HA!







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Guest Qui-Gon Jinn

I am from South Korea.





"Be Mindful of the Living Force." - Qui-Gon Jinn

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Guest DarthGohan1016

Jedi trunks and friends-You guys are okay drawer's but I wouldnt say youre kick ass drawers




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