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Midgit Yoda

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Okay guys, here's a good request that someone here should consider.


CLOSE THE REQUEST THREAD!!!! It NEVER does any good. None of the modelers hardly ever go there and when they do they don't take the ideas from there. Plus a bunch of noobz that can't even model at all go there just so they don't have to teach their lazy asses how to model. Plus most modelers are leaving because so many people are always dissing their work when it's awesome but the dummies don't know that it is a step by step process. The first Images aren't going to look like the character. Anyway. It's stupid to have the request thread in my opinion, it's more trouble than it's worth.

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That's one of the first intelligant things said about the request thread that I've read. I highly agree. It might clutter the forum up a bit more but it would make it much easier to search for certain requested models and it would make it better to know if anyone has taken up a request (so we don't end up with 50 different Battle Droid models again :p )

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Originally posted by Matt Shoemaker

I suppose you guys didn't notice but the request thread gets cleaned up every once in awhile by Kman.


I suppose you didn't notice but this is really and truly is supposed

to be a forum where people show off their work, not a place to

put a thread that has people begging and whining instead of learning it for themselves. ;)


Ah hell, the request thread is so pointless that it may as well get

it's own entire forum made for itself. It should be titled something

like this:


*JK2 Skin/Model Request Forum:*

*The place for those who are too incompetent to learn how to model/skin for themselves and have to have someone else do the

work for them so they achieve nothing in life.*


LOL! Why can't you people just learn the stuff for yourselves instead of bothering others who have things to do? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by jessman233

Too true. Though I don't model I do dabble in skinning. And the reason I do dabble in skinning( and mapping) is because I wanted to learn new and fun things. And create cool works of art. And now I'll be skinning a great model. Can't talk about it yet....Kinda on the hush but you'll all see. :) Ps. I voted the request thread a 1. Hope it helps. Take it easy fellas. :)


Cool. I wish you luck in your work.;) And your vote for a 1 is most appreciated. :D


By the way, talk to HapSlash if you ever get the chance, you should get tips and advice on skinning from him. He is the best skinner I've ever seen around. :D



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You know most of the people who make the requests wouldn't have the patience to learn it themselves or do it correctly, so they have the request thread to have a single place to whine about models they want. Like you said this forum is to show work on models and such. It doesn't need lots of pointless request threads that wouldn't get answered except by the author every day or so saying "som1 plz listn 2 me!!!!!!!!!!"


The request thread is to keep the forum clean of that nonsense.

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