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Modeler needed for editing an existing character


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Time for a poem on this:


Hello I am a lucasforums pest,

I may only be a guest,

But as usual,

I always got to make a request,

Yes I have to be a pest,

Oh yes oh yes I need to make a request,

and another request,

and another request,

and another request,

When will I have learned,

The skill of modeling/skinning takes patience,

and must be earned?


Oh yes oh yes I am one of the lucasforums pests,

who always have the need,

to make the constant requests....

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I find it funny that you talk about me, while spamming the forums with annoying senseless messages that waste server space. Thats okay. Anyways, I would have posted it under the 'Requests" thread, but I figured that would get the attention of modelers that wanted to do a full scale project, and not some minor tweaking. Why don't I learn modeling? Because I don't want to.. I'm perfectly happy skinning, and am quite well at it. In this one instance, I asked for somebody who could help with some small scale editing. Please-- I know some of you have nothing better to do, but I really don't care about what you have to say unless it will help me out.




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I do think this probably belongs in the request thread but there is no reason to be so rude to the guy. Just tell him his mistake and move on, why make fun of him? you guys may be good modelers but you have a lot to learn when it comes to manners. :rolleyes:


Go read Tercero's posts in his Anakin thread, now THAT is how a modeler should conduct himself. You won't garner any respect by picking on people, just be polite for petes sake.

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For crying out loud give the guy a break. He asked for someone to make some small changes to a model, he did not make a request. I don't know about you, but I can see quite a distinct difference between these two.


"please m@k3 my l333tzor dragonball Z final fantasy anime lord of the rings because i'm sooo coolzor coz i've seen the movie 100 times and never read the book pleeeese make it you are awesome it would really rock and email me when yor done"


"I would REALLY appreciate somebody who could slightly edit the mon mothma model for me... Skinning is my area, not modeling ^ ^. All the credit you want, I just need some little changes done badly!!! "


Now come on, if I were to make a request for someone to help me skin a model, or find sounds for it, would I have to put that in the request thread?

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First off, I am sorry if I made you feel bad, I wasn't really making fun of your or directing my comments to you. Neither was D. We were more the less talking about how the Request thread is useles. And no he isn't asking for help on a WIP, he's asking for someone to model something so that he can skin it, which is okay but since the Request thread is so effective, it should have been there. I'm not blaming him for posting this here because I sure to god wouldn't post in the request thread because it's a piece of crap.

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imo modeling the mesh is the easiest part of the model, its the other stuff that makes it long and boring. but youd have to be a modeler to know this. so of course people come in here and ask for minor changes to existing models thinking its super easy, but in reality its a bitch.

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I thank you all for your comments and concerns and am glad that *everyone* isn't into flaming, and I seriously doubt I could be offended by a comment on some forum. Is the request thread useless? I would have to say that that is what I thought-- and dearest yoda, it IS in fact a work in progress. I am nearly done with the skinning, but wish for some minor alterations on the model itself. I feel as though many people here can talk a lot, but actually can't do any modeling themselves. I really hope that isn't the case. Again, I didn't post for many conversations on the current status of the forum or its usefulness, I posted to know if somebody is willing to help me out in the modeling process. So please, any help is greatly appreciated. I don't know a whole lot about modeling, but what I would like to have done is:


*Hair removed from mon mothma

*Dress narrowed slightly

*Perhaps remove the sleves of the white inner dress... thing.



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Originally posted by BluScreen

I thank you all for your comments and concerns and am glad that *everyone* isn't into flaming, and I seriously doubt I could be offended by a comment on some forum. Is the request thread useless? I would have to say that that is what I thought-- and dearest yoda, it IS in fact a work in progress. I am nearly done with the skinning, but wish for some minor alterations on the model itself. I feel as though many people here can talk a lot, but actually can't do any modeling themselves. I really hope that isn't the case. Again, I didn't post for many conversations on the current status of the forum or its usefulness, I posted to know if somebody is willing to help me out in the modeling process. So please, any help is greatly appreciated. I don't know a whole lot about modeling, but what I would like to have done is:


*Hair removed from mon mothma

*Dress narrowed slightly

*Perhaps remove the sleves of the white inner dress... thing.




Are you implying that I am not a modeler or I can't model? I have been modeling for a pretty good while now. I suggest you check out my cloud model's page.

Now correct me if I am wrong but, you are quite the arrogant person. I appologized to you and you throw stuff in my face and imply that I am just talking and probably can't model. And I don't know where you come up with this, "my dearest Yoda" stuff but I took that as you trying to get smart with me, once again correct me if I am wrong.

I don't get on this forum ever day to argue with people. I also don't get on here everyday just to flame people or to get flamed by people. Now I appologized to you and if you can't accept that, then you have more problems than needing a modeler.

Now onto the case of wether or not this is a WIP. FIrst of all, if you are already skinning it but want some changes made you obviously don't know the modeling process. Since I have never edited an existing model however, I may be wrong on this. Once you change something on a Model, you have to Re-UVMap it. UVMapping is converting it to a 2-d plane (which is what you paint your skin on). If the UVMap is different then your skin will not fit on it as it is supposed to, especially if you do something like resize an arm or "remove hair". I don't doubt that you have been working on this, but you yourself said that you were "nearly done with the skinning" which would mean what you have done is a skin and therefore the WIP belongs in the SKin forum. Requesting for someone to make or edit a model for you is obviously a modeling request which would belong in the request thread. Now I'm not telling you this to put you down or anything, I'm just making my point. Now obviously I'm gonna catch a Lotta $hit from this because a lot of people still hate me because of my past but I really don't care. It seems as though anytime I voice my opinion on something I get yelled at so why even try anymore. I guess since this forum is going to be strickly modeling WIP's and finished projects I'll just post WIP's from now on and not worry about socializing specifically.

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Originally posted by Midgit Yoda

Now obviously I'm gonna catch a Lotta $hit from this because a lot of people still have me because of my past but I really don't care.


i assume you mean "hate" you and not "have" you.

and you do have to redo the uvwmapping on any part that you edit, but unedited parts remain the same.

and what the hell is Tom Servo?

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Thanks for catchin that hate, have thing for me Madjai. I thought the same parts stayed the same but he said he was nearly finished so ya know, I figured he meant with like all of it.


Tom Servo, the robot guy from Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Check out the renders of him I have at the Servo site. Vampire Hunter D modeled him and umm, I forget who skinned him, I know Kman did some of it, oh yeah, Kman did it all I think. heh. Anyway, I'm trying to get it in game, it's odd I can't get it through Assimilate.

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Midget Yoda, you are quite wrong there. When you change something on a model, you do not need to redo the UVW maps unless you are adding surfaces, or removing individual polies from existing surfaces. If you resize a model, the coordinates stay the same. If you move vertices, the coordinates will stay the same. If a vertice is moved a fair distance from its original position, you can end up with map streching on the model, but this can be easily fixed with the Unwrap UVW modifier.


Now Bluscreens requests are:


*Hair removed from mon mothma

-This will cause no problem with the mapping


*Dress narrowed slightly

-Again no problem


*Perhaps remove the sleves of the white inner dress... thing.

-No problem here


Unfortunately the mesh would have to be reweighted again, this is the only time consuming part of the work.

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