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New Art for SW:GB2?

Darth Windu

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General Nilaar, i like your idea for the title "Star Wars: Galactic FleetBattles" - that way it would be a logical follow-on from SWGB 1.


Windu, how does this Ster-Trek with Star Wars mod compare to SWGB in RTS gameplay?


If it's close then i might just buy it...

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Nilaar - actually, there was a scene in Episode 2 where a Republic assault ship (the big one) attacks a Geonosian airfield. It was cut from the final film, but it does show that it would occur.


Madrix - very different actually. There are four races, the Rebels, Empire, Federation and Klingon (i think). The game is an RTS in space, with VERY good graphics and with each race specialising in different area's giving them their own distinct personallity. For example, in the original game the Federation is very strong defensively, the Klingons are very good offensively, the Romulans are good at sneaking around and ambushing, while the borg are good at taking over your ships and using them against you.

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