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I wanna skin my flametrower weapon model, but how???

Dark Reaper

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Ok I am working on a flametrower mod (check it out at the general editing forum)


I made a gauntlet (the thing the flames come from, Jango flametrower, see AOTC )

the model and all show up in the game but all you see is a grey gauntlet model with white lines.


my question : how do I make the texture I made visible in the game

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did you model the gauntlet in 3d? If you did you need to skin map it with uvwmap coords (or "unwrap" it). Search poly count for tutorials. If you didnt model it then it should already have coords. If it does have its own coords you need to edit the 2d picture that sits on the gauntlet. To attempt finding that image extract the Jango.pk3 and browse threw the .jpgs

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Sorry for not posting for a while, but ya know school and stuff.

SAIK HUAT and Commodus, thank you very much for youre help ,got it skinned now.


RAditZfREak, yeah our names are almost the same.. you know there is a Gram Reaper to you know. and a White Reaper a Blue Reaper and even a ... Pink Reaper lol

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