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Mounting Vehicles


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I've built a STAP for the Phantom Menace mod, but are having problems with figuring out how to mount a bot on it.


Are there any triggers or something I need to put in to make a bot mount the STAP, like bots can mount the turrets in JK2 original campaign?


All help on this matter would be appreciated.

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I've come across some similar issues in my level. I have a landspeeder moving around the level as a function train but when it goes round a corner the driver doesn't and ends up facing the wrong way! This can be overcome with scripts making the driver turn at the same time as the vehicle but its a pain.


I think if you want a STAP flying around your level the driver would have to be part of the model. You could perhaps replace the probe droid as it bahaves in kinda the same way as a STAP.

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Originally posted by Tiletron

Are there any triggers or something I need to put in to make a bot mount the STAP, like bots can mount the turrets in JK2 original campaign?


for one thing, thats SP, and its not bots, its NPCs.

im not sure if you can have vehicles etc. in MP, but i dont really mess with it, so someone else would have to answer here

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As far as I know there is no way to have vehicle control into MP.

The AT-ST's are, at a guess, a specifically coded part of the game for SP.

You'd have to ask the CODERS if it's possible to adapt that to other vehicles.

Func Train is aout the only* way to get something like this in MP but I don't think there's an easy way to get a character to 'Mount' it, unless the vehicle is large enough for the player to "Stand" on.


*I could easily be very wrong about this.


DUNCAN_2001 - how did you get your landspeeder to turn corners? (specifically what KEYS/VALUES did you use?) My func trains won't rotate!



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Every path corner has a spawn flag called TURN_TRAIN. Just select this. After that see if you can solve the driver problem. There is a script value called SET_FACE_MOVE_DIR but it says in the ICARUS manual that it's not implemented! I going to try it anyway.


While I'm on the subject here's some other problems with my landspeeder:

-There's no shadow. I wonder if its possible to make a semi transparent brush at ground level that is part of the function train and makes a shadow.

-When you kill the driver it keeps on going. I have to work out how to stop the train using the drivers death script.


Have a go at solving these :)

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