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My complete Expansion Idea


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3 new civs:


-Mon Calamari- very strong navy, above average fighters, average troops, below average jedi, below average mechs, bad bounty hunters


-Trandoshans- bad navy, above average fighters, very strong troops , bad jedi, above average mechs, exceptional bounty hunters


-Geonosians- I have to see Ep 2, but I think it would be:

Average navy, average fighters, strong troops, bad jedi, average mechs, below average bounty hunters


I'd like the expansion to have a special focus on starfighters:


One or two new lines of fighters where you can add B-Wings, A-Wings and Tie Defenders during normal gameplay


New techs


New features in the editor, like new units, new terrains (if there aren't orange clouds for example) , triggers, etc...


What do you all think about it now?

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Guest xwing guy

I like all your ideas except I think capital ships shouldn't be in it, sure it would be cool but once you got one you would be unstoppable and it would be like a superweapon, and superweapons are cool but I like winning a game by using your army instead of your superweapons.

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If the capital ships were scaled down in size and power and only usable on star terrain it could work. Just like boats, only in space not stars.


They could act like the mobile fortress of the stars - expensive to build, tough to knock down, and packs a punch.

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Guest Gamma732

Capital ships could be used like Terran Battlecrusiers were in SC. Except in GB they could be bigger, slower, more powerful, and more expensive. I think that'd be a great idea. It could work for non-space games too. Victory - class Star Destroyers were able to manuver in atmosphere. They could just use capital ships of that general size. Perhaps a cap on the number of capital ships a player can have at one time would be necissry.

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Guest Gamma732

Thats why I said there should be a cap on the number of Capital Ships. Something like 1 per player at any time. And there should be a unit to counter them, like Bomber class air units.

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Guest Stormtrooper

Or maybe Lucasarts could just make another RTS(hint hint)like "Conquest Frontier Wars" for those of you that like space ship battles..:vsd::tie::x-wing:


I just think Star destroyers in SWGB would not fit in since they are so big, unless they used it as some type of a wonder.

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Guest dr_death

i dont like your idea and most people out side of this forum wouldent because most people dont know them civs, and units (that includes capitol ships!)

i am sorry but i could think of much better ideas

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Originally posted by dr_death

i dont like your idea and most people out side of this forum wouldent because most people dont know them civs, and units (that includes capitol ships!)

i am sorry but i could think of much better ideas


Sorry, every Star Wars fan knows these civs... non-Star Wars fans, only know the empire and the rebels.

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