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WIP: The End Of Time...


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I didn't really want to post this here, because I wasn't finished. But please offer any opinions. Yes, I know the gates, trash cans, and lampost are missing. I have a huge problem though. I'm using the stars shader (I've tried editing it) but it won't let me change the light level. No matter what I place the intensity at it always stays fully lit like it's day time. Anyone is welcome to help. Thanks!


Click Here for a WIP pic


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Cool,im playing through that part of Chrono Cross right now...im almost to the last lamppost..btw,will this be a duel map or are you going to try and make more maps out of chrono cross like Divine Dragoon Falls, The Room With The Dragon Tear in It,and possibly the Demon isand in the room where you fight the boss?

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Actually, I checked out the shader files and the skies/stars shader does not emit light. It can't be the floor either b/c textures do not emit light and even if it were a shader there isn't a shader called "crack_floor". However, it also seems that your floor texture isn't even responding to light, which would require a shader file. What I mean by that is that it's just a flat brightness and nothing you can do short of modifying the shader file to change that. Also, your fence looks custom and that could also be what's emitting the light. You'll have to check your shader file to make sure. You may also have ambient light set in your worldspawn entity. Anyway, you may want to check that stuff out. Also, Chrono Trigger rocks! I can't wait to see the final product.

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Here's what it said after map compilation began (after it wrote the BSP and read all shaders)



******* leaked *******


Writing d:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/end_of_time.bsp

28 seconds elapsed

SoF2Map v1.0c © 2000 Raven Software Inc.


---- Vis ----


Reading d:/program files/lucasarts/star wars jk ii jedi outcast/gamedata/base/maps/end_of_time.bsp

WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/skies/stars

11 light emitting surfaces

Exceeded MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID_ARRAY (7247202 >= 1048576)

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Ah, the

Exceeded MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID_ARRAY (7247202 >= 1048576)

is probably what is causing those lighting problems. If you aren't already make sure you compile using FullVis. This may also be because your sky is too big. Try using the stars texture only where neccessary and dont forget to put caulk on the parts of your sky that the player can't see -notably the outer "hull" of your skybox. Also, are you gonna have the Epoch in there too? That would be so awesome. :D

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I fixed it! It was the stars.shader giving off the light. I just made the entire sky pitch black with no stars.


Now for the other question, winged epoch or non-winged?


Also, as soon as I finish the lighting in the level (it's almost pitch black right now) and tweak the textures, I'll start asking for beta testers.

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