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newb to JKii moding

Lord Wolfy

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I hate to argue with Tchouky but I still firmly believe that an SP mod can be derived from the MP source. Sure it will take some serious inventiveness and a whole lot of work, but it can be done. There are a few limits you have to adhere to, these can be found by searching this forum. But all these restrictions aside, there is no reason you cannot make an SP mod, look at JK2 SP, it was created from the Quake 3 source code, and that was written for MP.

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Why? What is it about the Sp executable that makes it so impossible to even want to try? What is an SP game? It an MP game with huge maps, checkpoints, save games, and better AI. The biggest difference between SP and MP is the fact that in MP other clients can connect to the game server, in SP only the local client can connect and it doesn't send a heartbeat across the network when queried. I would like to know the exact reason that most people say it's impossible to make an SP mod. Yes, the MP executable limits the model count in any loaded map to 256, to me that says "make smaller, modular maps with less models". Seriously, nothing in programming is impossible, just really, really hard to do sometimes. But that's why the term "work-around" is so prevalent in our field.

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