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Buffy the Vampire Slayer for Xbox

Boba Rhett

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Rented it. Played it. Loved it.


I didn't know what I was getting into when I picked it up... I was quite pleasantly surprised!


The controls are good, the graphics are good and it doesn't get much more fun than stakin' a blood sucker. It's oh so very satisfying. The combat is great! It constantly keeps you entertained. Every single villain you face makes you feel like you're in a life and death situation and none of the situations play out the same way. Well, except for the staking part at the end. :D


The game also has some pretty sweet voice talents doing the "scooby crew". Willow sounds dead on and the witty lines, they're great! They do get a little old after I while though but it's all good. :cool:


The character models are pretty spiffy as well. Some of them don't exactly look like the character they're representing but they still look good.


Buffy was developed by The Collective. The same guys who are bringing us The next Indy adventure. Indy will also be using the same engine the buffy did, only it'll be a bit more beefed up. I can't wait to see what they do with Indy.


And I like stepping into the shoes of a female super hero....


So sue me! It was fun! :p I also play as Jan in JO but that discussion is for the therapy thread. ;)


I'm putting this on my list of games to buy. I wish that list wasn't so very long. *sigh*....


The Collective is going places, my friends. They're going up. Waayyy up! :D


Link to High Res Buffy Trailer


Link to Low Res Buffy Trailer


Link to Official Site

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I first played this game in the same week as Super Mario Sunshine. SMS is great. This game is better. For my money, this is the best game so far this year. I'm at my friends house playing this game nearly every day. If he would only buy a second-party controller, rather than the Microsoft brand worst-controller-in-the-history-of-gaming, I think I'd move in with him.


Combine that with the show it's based on getting good again, and I'm a happy camper.

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