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Just picked up a new xbox game...

Boba Rhett

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...And that game was Azurik: Rise of Perathia.


Now before any of you start throwing things at me, It was only seven bucks. check your local Targets. I bet they have em' on clearance there too.


It is the first game put out by Adrenium Games. It's an RPG... or at least that's what they're calling it. :D


Now I'm going to cut them some slack because this is their first game after all.


Story: Great googly moogly does it need to be fixed up. Pretty skimpy.


Dialogue: Yipes. I've seen sock puppets give better performances. They didn't match up with the characters and it didn't flow.


Gameplay: It's ok. Not nearly as fun as Zelda but then again, what is?


Graphics: The Character models or pretty low poly.... the textures ranged from sweet tobad.


Level Design: Ok. Who knows, maybe I've been spoiled by Halo but i want detail dangit! The worlds didn;t seem "fleshed out" either. I felt all alone.


The camera work needs to be polished too.


Bottom line, Adrenium Games is headed in the right direction but all aspects of this game still feel second rate. I have confidence they'll fix many of these problems in their next game. Whatever that may be.

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