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Hey,i am making a mod called JediRage,its based on jedimod 1.2. right now the mod is going to be for the saberist mod.(i am going to be a coder for them real soon). i am adding alot of emotes,alot of cvars that give the server control, and other things(like gravity boots,vulnerable rockets,etc..). i wanted to know if you guys think that would be cool and ask what do u guys really want in a mod.

for example any certain things yuo really want.

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Buckets of blood. I know lightsabers and blasters would probably cauterize wounds, but I had this mod that added Q3-style blood. It stopped working after the lastest patch, but it looked really cool. We also need a jetpack, a flamethrower, and new animations (if not new models) for the grappling hook. I think it would also be cool if force pull could yank weapons out of peoples' hands like in SP. The weapons could then be pulled back after a second or two, like you pull your saber back if it's blocked in SP.

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the normal mp doesnt have that. i sent out the file,JediRage beta to jk2files already like a week ago or something so it should be up soOn,i hope.i added alot of stuff,once i get home(i am at school right now. i will post the readme here to show you guys what i have done so far.

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heh i know its a good idea. coupled with some other ideas of mine it would take jk2 dueling to the next level. but anyway, its not going to happen if i dont get any good coders to it. its simply to much. now the one coder that works with me on the mod still works on a sollution for the login naming bug. when he's done we have a loginsystem which can be managed from a website. players get a message on connect, that they should go to the url and register their account there. then they get a passwort for the server. everyone has his own password then and the server names them acording to the names stored next to the passwords in the pwnames.cfg. it works like tchouckys model scaling cfg (tckmodel.cfg) from jedimod. no renaming, no naming binds, no fakers, no lamers. and you can ban!

but there is still that one bug...the player names dont show up if i get the status command, only on the normal playerlist. and if for example i say "hehe" it looks like that:


it overwrites the name because, ... ah i dont know, im not a real coder...

but if u want the code to look for yourself tell me...

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