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Absolutly STUCK!!!


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Hmm, trying to remember. you have to find the building/room (it has a sloping walkway beside it) and then get in there and flip the switch. To get there, you need to get onto 'that side' of the walkway, I did this near the point at which you step off the elevator after leaving Lando...

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this is a place where im having trouble too! ive made a post on another thread, and i even have my own thread concerning a stuck place near there... i think you need to go FIRST to the right, all the way to the path along the wall to the left, then through the door on the right, up through the building and to the place where you can see the ship through the window, then go down the elevator, and go around on the walkway (a circle) and you'll see lando... but HERE is where i am stuck! (im not sure if you are exactly where the screenshot is, [for 1, i dont understand how someone could be there and see lando below you, but thats just a screenshot])


please someone respond here! there are at least 3 people that have recently gotten stuck here (actually i got stuck here months ago, it made me quit for a time, now im back and i wanna get past it!!) so PLEASE HELP! if you dont wanna spoil it for the masses, email me at dlrocks7@yahoo.com



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