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Original MD3 Limitations


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Hey, I've been learning the trade of 3D model-making in preperation for a map I've been working on.

I'm finally starting to get ready enough to make the models the way I want, so I've just been looking to see what the limitations (or even suggested limits) are as far as size, polys, etc.

I don't want to go and make them too detailed only to find they are too large in file size or will greatly ruin frame rate.


Just so you know, I'm making pretty big trees (not just straight, tall ones, but more like very large willow trees) and I plan on placing a lot of them in a large open room map. (don't shoot me)


Thanks for any info or advice.





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I'd say 500-800. That would be about right to have less than 10 at that number. Unless the map is SP and you control how many other NPC's are in there. If it's MP and isn't going to be a major fighting spot, you could probably get away with 1k trees.

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Two other limitations to the MD3 format are you may only have 1024 vertices per surface (i.e. you may need to cut your object up into several smaller surfaces) and actualy in game size is the other one - I think the limitation for that is 1024 quake units - I know I have a problem in milkshape where I can make the object really large but when I put it into JK2 it's all distorted.



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