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Walkthrough please. I am Stuck!


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Ok i decided to play JK II Singleplayer again after it being so long, and i am at a point i cant remember how i passed it. I'm on that ship Desann is on and i'm at the part where the X-Wing's are fighting the Tie-Fighters and i am in the room, well actually its that tiny room in btween the two hangars. I opened the shield and big door and al the stormtroopers flew out. Now the door is locked. How do i get into the next hangar in order to proceed? Can anyone help me or do oyu need more info?

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Next to the switch that opens the shields and flies the stormtroopers out, there is another one (on both sides) that raises the central platform in each of the rooms. Make sure you activate both. After the platforms rise (a few more stormtroopers will come out, whom you can flush away as well), close both blast doors and come out to the first hangar. Once you stand on the platform, it will take you down. (Secret area down there right behind your back.) Now there, there will be a few AT-PT's which you will need to kill, then destroy the cannons in the central room. After that, take an elevator to the upper ledge, and from the control room, close the first of the three doors you see and open the next one. That will open up another passage, with a few more AT-PT's inside; destroy those and proceed to the identical platform. It will lower once you get to it, provided that you did activate it from the very first control room with blast door switches; take a ride up and you are in the second hangar.

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