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The Red Sun: Recruiting


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I'm looking for a Co-Leader to help out with this new clan.


The story behind the clan will be set 100 years after the Yuuzhan Vong were defeated and banished to their own realm. They have returned stronger than ever with more forcers.


The entire galaxy has banded together in a giant coalition to defeat this menace. The sith and jedi have joined forcers to create The Red Sun. They are working together with remnants of the empire to get the deathstar 3 operational, before the Yuuzhan Vong take control of the galaxy.



If you are interested in helping to start this clan out

contact info:

aim: andjustis4a11

zone: trs_Vahn

email: napalm@tampabay.rr.com



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I havnt loaded my site onto the server. But it has the full story, didnt include on the forum. Just wanted a quick once over.


But in the story after vadar kills the empror and the empire is no more. Luke brings the jedi academy back and retrains more jedi, they fall to the dark side.. But this all takes place like 75-100 years after luke is dead, and the jedi/dark jedi have been respawned and grown to large numbers


i guess i should call them dark jedi like you said.


but thanks:) appreciate the support

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I'm a BIG eu buff. And according to eu Palpatine made books and notes on sith training and practices. Perhaps in your story a Dark Jedi finds those records and becomes a sith. I would be VERY intrested to read your stories. In fact we have a section in my forums dedicated to star wars stories. I just finished part to of a story I've been working on. Please feel free to join our forums and post a thread on your story. We'd all be happy to read it and give good feedback. :)

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A few things I thought you might like to know. Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade had a son. His name is Ben Skywalker (named after obiwan). A newer more powerful weapon was created in eu called the suncrusher, guess what that did lol. And the Imperial remnant has joined the republic. Also Anakin Solo was killed. Thought these would help you in future stories. They're the key parts of eu. But your story is great. I really like it alot. ;)

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Yes i know luke and mara had a son. i didnt know the imperial remnat joined the republic, i did know about han and leias sun anakin, didnt know he died.. and i didnt know about the suncrusher lol..


yes they are important, and i should add some of that in, but i didnt feel like creating a whole new script for a movie or something lol.. just wanted to have a few snippets of how things led up to the way they did.


i really appreciate your comments and thanks again!

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Where to begin? These are just some add ons to the ongoing DID YOU KNOW? Chewie was killed. the Sun Crusher was introduced in the Jedi Trilogy along with Admiral Dalaa (hope I spelled that right). In Dark Empire (sort of a comic book) the Emperor is reincarnated. Turns out that he sent his spirit to a clone on a planet called Byss. I would still assume that he is still a sith master and I know he has two other minions who are dark side adepts. If you want I can get their names. Did Mara ever get her powers back? I never learned that. Just remember that there can only be 2 sith. Other dark force users still existed as did light siders. Jedi were not the only force users out there. UMMMMM that is all I can think of right now. If there are any more I will let you know.


Good luck with the clan.



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