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EPII Title - I'm going to kill myself . . .

Guest mtw4

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Are you kidding me? "Attack of the Clones"!!! I can't believe it. That is possibly the lamest, most disappointing Star Wars-related news I have ever heard. Worse than Jar Jar. Worse than the script for TPM.


Seriously, could George Lucas ruin the Star Wars legacy any more if he tried? I have seen probably 100 fan-suggested titles that are better than that, but then again, why listen to fans? That might actually improve the new trilogy. For starters, if he so badly needed to include the word "Clones" he could have simply entitled the film, "The Clone Wars."


Attack of the Clones.


I'm going to jump off my roof now.


Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, that's what I'm expecting.

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Man dont kill ya self over a stupid title it will still be a good movie.


Iam still gonig to see it even if it does have a stupid ass title but oh well **** happens.


I mean can ya think of a Star Wars Movie that was bad and wasnt good? Besides EpI?



(Besides Episode I?)


[ August 07, 2001: Message edited by: Darth Vader ]

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Yeah, you're both right.


First, I shouldn't have posted this in the JPB forum, but I've come to appreciate feedback from the regulars here. Plus, there is so much negative stuff from a million and one strangers on my favorite SW fan sites, I thought I'd try to generate some action here. Plus, I'm on vacation at my parents' house this week, so I wasn't around to reply earlier. Weak, I know.


Second, the movie could still be great despite the lame title. Everyone seems to be saying that the script is much better than TPM, and I tend to believe it from what I've read so far about the story (though I have been diligently avoiding spoilers so far). As others have said, Empire Strikes Back sounds kind of lame out of context, but it was the solid movie that keeps us from thinking of it as a lame title.


Still, I stick with my basic point: There are some great dramatic titles GL could have given the new episode, and Attack of the Clones is definitely not one of them.


Either way, I have not jumped off my roof and I will see the movie and probably enjoy it even if it pales to ESB. I just had to unleash my dark side anger quickly last night when I read the release.


This board has been dead for so long anyway, may as well talk about something interesting. I've been waiting for someone to discover something new about JPB since April. Never even play the game unless I have a second player to join me.

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