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HELP - uvmapping - Jedi: Pablo-Jill


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guys, im not giving up the model, but im giving up uvmapping on this model. im pretty busy rite now wit skool and my movie [check my sig for the website] and i think that if i map Pablo-Jill, itll be all messed up and all wrong. ive tryd it and thats exactly what happened. i kno alot of u people love this model, and so do i. i wanna get this guy in game eventually, but it needs to be uvmapped first....grafox is really busy he said so he cant do it rite now. if anyone else is willing to help me out and uvmap it for me, continue in the process, u will get full support of the model once its released. if no one wants to, then i guess this model is just gonna sit here on my comp and no progress will occur unless someone else does it for now. im sorry guys, but thats how its gotta be rite now. so plez, someone respond to this and help me and the community out by taking the next step in getting Pablo-Jill into jk2...:)

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ya good idea quamosity, thx man.

well i uploaded it, u guys can download my Pablo-Jill model, just drag the url up to the address bar


i hope someone takes responsibility of it and uvmaps this guy, cuz in game he will be so sweet.

when someone does uvmap it, or change stuff around, just plain updates him, can u plez post a reply either in this thread, or

the original Pablo-Jill thread:


thx guys, i hope to see an update soon!....get workin! :p heh

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