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Wow. Been away for awhile and this thread really exploded.


Acs are easily beaten by any air UU (starfighter especially). If you arent an air strong civ or lack an air UU, your best bet would be to use AA retrofit upgraded AA mobiles. Turrets match ac range but, if you use attack ground and the ac splash damage like i taught simwiz how to do, you can outrange turrets.


Simwiz, your hypothetical stalemate can only be replicated by either:

1. making a map especially designed for turtle wars of attrition.

2. turtling until tech 4 (a very unwise option), buying pricy acs, having a large array of turrets and air suppieroity, and hitting and running with the acs on either your oppents forward base or his home base (acs maybe able to hit, but they sure cant run).

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

(1) if you use attack ground and the ac splash damage like i taught simwiz how to do, you can outrange turrets.


Simwiz, your hypothetical stalemate can only be replicated by either:

(2) 1. making a map especially designed for turtle wars of attrition.

(3) 2. turtling until tech 4 (a very unwise option), buying pricy acs, having a large array of turrets and air suppieroity, and hitting and running with the acs on either your oppents forward base or his home base (acs maybe able to hit, but they sure cant run).


1 - HAH!!! The only reason you told me about it was because I did not have CC at the time, so I had never used an AC. Although it took you about a week of CC playing to figure this ovbious fact out, I would have figured it out immediately because I knew that AC's were supposed to outrange AA. Though I don't think AC range is even equal to FU AA turrets, I think turrets have 1 or 2 more, enough that the AC shot must be placed EXACTLY in the right spot to avoid being shot back at.


2 - It is happening in our current flats map RM game which somehow turned into a stalemate. I guess we were both expecting to be rushed.


3 - Well like I said it is happening in our current game and no one really turtled, we both played defensively because we were both apparently expecting to be rushed. You don't actually need ANY air cover whatsoever, the AA turrets are sufficient. You may lose some AC's, but for each AC your opponent will lose 40+ fighters. Ouch. And of course some grenaders to take out cannons and AA mobiles, and you will do quite well. I can explain it more in depth if you don't get it.

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Simwiz, i dont want to turn this into another flame war. If you want to flame people, go make your own flaming thread and join bill r in banned land. I wasnt refering to you or any of our games, just the overall gameplay.


P.S.-The ac thing was not very obvious. It wasnt discovered here on these forums until i posted about it awhile ago.

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I found a really cool way to take advantage of default unit AI. If you set your scout on aggressive and attack an enemy worker, you can waste valuable worker time and possibly kill it. The scout will automatically move away when thee worker comes to attack it. The worker ai tells it to chase the scout for a couple of steps, turn around and continue working. The scout will automatically move back and hit the worker again, restarting the cycle. The best part is it requires no micro on your part, and, because it looks like your microing to your opponent, he probably will ignore you because he thinks your not paying close attention to you econ.If your opponent decides to chase you with his worker, your scout automatically leads it around the map; worker time waste big time. But if your opponent brings his scout in or rings the town bell, then you should retreat or start doing your attack else where. Remember an attacking scout isnt off scouting else where and garrisoned workers arent gathering resourses so you still get something out of it. This strat is about as cheap as nerf killing, but if that doesnt bother you, then try it yourself.


Also, another way to use unit ai to your advantage, instead of killing power droids, prod them away from the building that they are powering. Its the same effect as killing the darn things, but it saves you time.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

I found a really cool way to take advantage of default unit AI. If you set your scout on aggressive and attack an enemy worker, you can waste valuable worker time and possibly kill it. The scout will automatically move away when thee worker comes to attack it.


I tried that once, and didn't pay attention to it. Then about a minute later I checked on it, and saw that my scout had managed to get itself trapped against some trees, and was being slapped to death by a worker. :(

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Okay...I have a question.


Can anyone, ANYONE, please please please tell me how to use the scenario editior trigger stuff or guide me towards a concise, easy to use guide for it? I don't know any programming stuff, so this is not easy for me, and for who knows why LA didn't provide any instructions for it.


I'm making a scenario and I would like to work in a lot of triggers, but I have no idea how they work...I've even tried to reverese-engineer other people's scenarios to see how they work but to no avail.

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Triggers allow you to do things without physically doing them. They create/destroy units, move units, change alliances, send messages, etc.

First, you need two things. The condition is when the player or comp fufills a set requirement that causes the effect. These include bringing an object to an area, obtaining a certain tech, gathering a certain amount of resourses,etc.

An effect is what the trigger does once the condition is fufilled. See the list two paragrachs up to find what sort of things are effects. The best way to learn the scenerio editor is trail and error. Have fun!

I posted these in another thread, but they apply every where. The scenerio editor is very powerful once you harness it. Post if you want something more specific

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Originally posted by simwiz2


The cannons will be reduced to little craters on the ground before they are even undeployed. AC's, or Grenaders, can kill them VERY fast. If you put units in front to defend the cannons the air cruisers will destroy them.


Stalemate. You just have to counter with your own air cruisers and hope that you have more nova than your opponent. If you have AA retrofit, you are actually better off than the Air-strong civs because your longer range mobiles have a chance of destroying a few AC's. Rebels also are good for countering this because Airspeeders are surprisingly good against AC's and resistant to AA turrets.


AA Retrofit does NOT affect turret range. AA turret range matches AC range exactly, but the AC can hit it from out of range with splash damage. The AI does not know how to do this though.


simwiz, the problem with using AC against AC is when their AC's are sitting next to their AA Turrets - this poses a bit of a problem wouldn't you say? Plus i usually play aginst Rebels, so in addition they tend to have a lot of those bl@@dy Air Speeders hanging around...?


Lately, though i have been playing Republic, not TF anymore, and this makes life a heck of a lot easier...

I just love the way those troop units roll off the production line - incredible!

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Originally posted by MadrixTF

Question for Sithmaster:


I seem to have lost the new "agressive/defensive, etc." for each unit - how can i get this back? I found this new feature very useful and it just seems to have disappeared...?

I'm not Sithmaster, but I believe I know what you're talking about. Check out the buttons near the mini-map on the lower right-hand side of the screen. One of them is "advanced commands" (or something to that extent). You must have accidently turned it off. Just click on it again and your military stances should come back.



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Originally posted by Kryllith


Assuming you have a Jedi with the ability, try converting the Air Cruiser. AA Mobiles can be decent as well, especially if you spread them out a bit to that the opponents air has to pick them off individually instead of in one big blast. A number of the weak air units get the anti-air boost (more range and more damage), so it's best to take advantage of it).




Crusiers are easy to kill just get 15 AA troopers they are faster in CC and can preety easily kill an AC in a shot each.


FU AA mobiles for GE, Gungans, TF etc are very strong and are best counter.


AA turrets don't move so aren't that great.


Fighters aren't to great because he will have his own AA.


AC vs AC is stupid.




I found a really cool way to take advantage of default unit AI. If you set your scout on aggressive and attack an enemy worker, you can waste valuable worker time and possibly kill it. The scout will automatically move away when thee worker comes to attack it. The worker ai tells it to chase the scout for a couple of steps, turn around and continue working. The scout will automatically move back and hit the worker again, restarting the cycle. The best part is it requires no micro on your part, and, because it looks like your microing to your opponent, he probably will ignore you because he thinks your not paying close attention to you econ.If your opponent decides to chase you with his worker, your scout automatically leads it around the map; worker time waste big time. But if your opponent brings his scout in or rings the town bell, then you should retreat or start doing your attack else where. Remember an attacking scout isnt off scouting else where and garrisoned workers arent gathering resourses so you still get something out of it. This strat is about as cheap as nerf killing, but if that doesnt bother you, then try it yourself.



Wouldn't try this against someone you want to play again lol.

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Kryllith, anyone can answer questions. Im not an expert and dont try to pretend to be one. This thread is purely a strategic haven in the increasingly new unit/gunship thread world.


ewok, thats why i said its about as cheap as nerf killing (maybe a little more cause you steal worker seconds instead of food), but, hey, the zone has plenty of fish in their sea.:D :D


Stealth jedi starfighters, work very well vs. acs, even ones protected by aa and air. It takes about four js's to kill an ac in one shot, and you can sneak in and out before your enemy blows you to bits

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Thanks Kryllith! that's what i was looking for...



Sithmaster: Ok, that's a really good suggestion about the Stealth Jedi Starfighters IF you are playing Republic - which i must confess i seem to be using them a lot lately. Trade Fed just don't cut it for me anymore in CC. It's like i'm torn between two civs - TF look great but have poor jedi & air - an area that Republic is really strong in, plus they have the ability in T4 to create troops at a frightening pace - Awesome!

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Originally posted by pbguy1211

you've obviously never been "probot rushed."

and by that i mean when probots fly around, attrack predators... brings 4 to your base, then "mysteriouly" blows up and the predators all attack your workers. pain in the ass, but surprisingly effective.



That's more effective when you use Medics because they're slower. And Probots do go over space & water like hovercrafts :)

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sinwiz, quit kidding yourself. seriously. hopefully this saturday i'll have some free time and i'll be more than happy to hand you your ass. on either a random, unexplored map. or even on your stupid "Flats, explored" map. Either way, be ready to lose.

I'm not debating this with you any further.

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