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sinwiz, quit kidding yourself. seriously. hopefully this saturday i'll have some free time and i'll be more than happy to hand you your ass. on either a random, unexplored map. or even on your stupid "Flats, explored" map. Either way, be ready to lose.

I think you meant to post that on the simwiz catfight thread!:p


Probot +'s:

[*]cheaper than scout

[*]slightly higher LOS

[*]can be built in t1

[*]can pass all terrain (space, water, lava, etc.)

[*]dont tie up mech factory, a building the emps cant afford to waste with petty things like scouts

[*]can be built w/o power droid/core, allowing for faster production

[*]its really cool looking!!!!!! ;)


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Do you think it's better to build military factories (fortress, mech, artillary, etc.) close to your enemy's base for attack or to keep your factories closer to your own base? I see that in CC the AI tends to build Mech factories or Airbases close to my base - but it's not really working for the AI - i have too much defense. Although it does slow me down on my own offensive...


Any ideas?

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

A probot rush uses predators as warriors by luring them into a persons town, commiting suicide, and wtaching the fun unravel. But if you want to do something just as cheap but slightly more effective with your scout, see my above post (the one about unit ai)


It doesn't work with Probots, i didn't think it did so i tried it today. it's possible if you spend 3 mins microing a probot. They are way to fast and go out the LOS of the predators to fast. It works with medics.


Originally posted by Matrix tf



Do you think it's better to build military factories (fortress, mech, artillary, etc.) close to your enemy's base for attack or to keep your factories closer to your own base? I see that in CC the AI tends to build Mech factories or Airbases close to my base - but it's not really working for the AI - i have too much defense. Although it does slow me down on my own offensive...


Any ideas?


depends which strat.. if it's repaters by the enemies base. If it's fighters/bombers keep it as your base, if it's Mechs in the middle of the map. Hvy weapons out side there base.

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Forward building is a viable strat. It gets rid of most of the defenders advantage, and a forward base usually decides where the battles are going to be fought, your base or his.i usually wait until early t3 to forward build so that i can also have a fortress to maintain my presence is his neck of the woods. The ideal forward base is slightly oustide your enemy's base, on the highest elevation possible.


Ewok, i have to disagree. No matter what unit you build, if can build it in a forward base, do it. I know you are far better than i, but i fail to see the advantage of building air in your base and mechs in the middle.

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It's all which type of forward base. It's quite likely that if you build 3 mech factories and trooper centres just outside and enemies base they will see it, If you do like you said and use a Fortress/shield gen combo then it's not so important where you build them. You're generally gonna need this set up if you're using Troopers and Hvy weapons.


Building Mech Factories in the middle of a map is just preference, They are preety fast so if you build them in the middle i can attack a few people at once but it's totally up to the player and wether you have a fort up or not.


You build air in your base so they can't see that you're building up Fighters/bombers, most people who see you massing air get Adv AA turrets. It's the same for Jedi's you don't want to send in 20 jedi's and have the enemy waiting with 20 bountys.


These are just my opinion other people probally play differently and win.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Forward bases? Nothing a good Pummel drop won't sort out! hehe.


I played a pretty good game last night. My enemy build a pretty neat forward base on me but my defence was pretty strong. Whilst he was busy trying to break me down, he forgot about his own base....so in went 8 Air transporters FULL of Pummels, 3 with Mechs, 2 with AA and one with Jedi.


Then, he typed 'gg' which means...im dead, good game and goodbye! haha.


So if you do forward build, dont forget about your main base.



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Im guessing right here. Let me get the one everyone will be asking, IS THE GOING TO BE ANOTHER STAR WARS RTS IN THE NEAR FUTURE?


DMUK, i know what you were talking about. I had a massive forward base on simwiz in one of our quite boring 5-hour turtle war of attrition, and i got pummel dropped. Even though i didnt notice it until he had leveled a good bit of my base, i was able to fend it off with a handful of mounties and airspeeders. Good thing i made a pretty big base and that my forward base is self atonimous, or i would have been cooked. I rebuilt and all simwiz got was two holocrons:D

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Thanks for the insight into forward building!


Ewok - that's what i tried yesterday and it worked out very well (regarding the distance of factories). I thought it logical to keep my Airbase at home, 'cause they travel faster, except Mech-factory with a fort just outside his base.


Very effective!


New question:


If i am playing against the AI on Hardest, does the AI cheat? I don't see how it is possible for the AI to produce troops so quickly in T1...? (Unless he is using "forcebuild")

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The ai doesnt "cheat" per say on hardest. It more like legal cheating. They get extra resourses every time they advance to a new tech level (including at the start of the game). The easiest way to beat the comp on hardest is to weather the storm until t4, when they're no longer getting any resources free, then slowly go on the offensive.

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Ok, so the AI gets allocated extra resources, that's why the AI always rushes me in T2 - if i survive the rush, then it has slowed my econ down so much that by the time T3 comes along they have Mechs and Mounties, etc. destroying my base! So, getting to T4 is the problem...


I found that building extra Turrets in T2 helps a bit though...


Any other ideas for evading a rush which slows down my econ?

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There is absolutly no point in playing a computer on hardest setting. I've played a total of three games with hardest computers. One in a Online game where it t2 at 4 mins with 6 recruits in my base. another time i did islands and it had like 20 AC's in my base.


Now this is so un realistic. I've played all the good players from SWCC and altough i don't always win they never beat me like that :(


Now the Computer on Hard is like a good inter player in t1, t2 and t3 but sucks in t4. Hard computer has a 15(ish) minute rush. That is preety easy to deal with.


To be as fast as a hard player eat 2 nerfs if more put them in a Nursery. No workers on nova, 8 on food then 4 on trees by CC. 4 more on food if no nerfs/banthas. then 10 more on carbon and as you get 160 carbon build a troop center you will need two and then build a power core.

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Ive beaten the comp on hardest a couple times, most of the time is was in a pocket or a corner, and let the AI duke it out with itself until t4. If you are attacked (i've survived their t2 attacks too), towers near your cc will help a ton. Also, building an air force as soon as possible will be able to deflect alot of midgame attacks.

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What made it worse for me was that i was playing 2v1 on Hardest and then the AI civs don't fight each other; they team together and kill me quickly - early T2 rush. Also, i normally play with the resources on High, so Ewok your resource allocation doesn't apply in this scenario. I just find that playing with resources on Standard takes way too long.

The other thing that made it worse was that i played "Nova Assault" map, so their Nova count is rediculously high...


Maybe i should try 1v1 first...


Simwiz your idea with the walls plus Turrets - i tried that and it definately works - it slows down the early rushes...

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