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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

Simwiz, we were disscussing turtles, and, since you used to be an avid turtle, i cited you. .


The insecure two year old seems to be jealous that I can beat him in GB... how sad.



Dont take everything people say as insults. Thats how people start not liking you


If I called you a turtle n00b would you take it as an insult?

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Simwiz, if you read people's responses to your comments, including the ones you quoted, you would see the attitude we give to flames and to people who enjoy flaming others on this thread. It pertains only to discussion about the game and its many facets, and, if you want to flame people, do it on another thread. We try to be respectable human beings here. No one called you a noob or a bad player or insulted the way you play. Not every post that mentions your name is an insult, so dont treat them like it. It is a shame that we have to tell people not to attack others, and hopefully this is just a phase that the forum is facing.


Back to forward bases and the ai...

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The insecure braggart doesnt need to be provoked


Oh, well. Atleast your saved the horor of one of simwiz's favorite game types-turtle war of attritin


If you call playing the civs/minor gods that were the hottest, then holing up behind your walls until late mythic and coming out finally with catapults and preists galore actually playing the game. And you told me that you stopped playing th game because it was boring. In reality, it just was boring because you were thoroughly clueless, plaing the game like a chicken with its head cut off runs around a barn ( i like that analogy).


Then there was that whole map experiment diagram, along with a claim that your superior knowledge prevailed over my n00bish turtling ways.


'Nuff said


Summary: You are being very hypocritical. You tell me to go flame people on another thread, yet you openly slander me on this and every other thread with false accusations of turtling and ignorance.


Your pretending to be the innocent victim only fools those who are incredibly stupid.

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Originally posted by Sithmaster_821

I let other people tell you how immature your acting right now, simwiz.


What, I'm immature because I can see through your only slightly veiled personal attacks? :lol:


When you make attacks against someone expect to be insulted back. And kindly don't whine about how you are being immaturely singled out and picked on. No one wants to hear it.

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Originally posted by simwiz2


Please try rereading the thread. About halfway up this page is a post by Sithmaster claiming that I am a n00b turtle and giving a picture of my map experiment, which he implies I played on constantly so I could turtle easily. Then his 'superior influence' convinced me to discontinue my 'n00bish turtling ways.' How would you respond to an attack like that?


If his GB turtle and AoM n00b comments are not asking for a flame war, then what do you consider to be enough to start a flame war? Especially when none of what he said was true.



Simwiz, i also used to Turtle a lot when i started playing this game - and i still use a combination of Turtle / Forward building. If someone insulted me about that i would just ignore it and continue with the strategy and questions, that way they will soon stop.


Sith and Pbguy, please lets not insult each other - if i didn't know better i would think that Sith and simwiz are brothers! :D

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Reply to Question - Forward bases:


I only forward build in late T3, before T3 would not make sense to me.


I tend to make sure that my base is well defended and then forward build with a Fort and Heavy weapons factory, plus sometimes a CC if there are resources close by. I set up perimiter defences for this forward base and then start getting an army together for an assualt.


I must admit though it does depend on the map and the type of game (eg. Terminate the Commander) - I tried this strategy against Republic (using TF) on Terminate the Commander and a map that wasn't really suited to this strategy. Needless to say my Forward base was destroyed and then my home base - game over!

But usually it does work for me - just have to read each map / enemy before deciding which strategy to use...

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Madrix, I agree with you on the fact that being a turtle, especially a former one, is nothing to be ashamed of. All i did was cite simwiz, during our conversation on the pros and cons of turtling, as one who turtled, in AoK, more than in SWGB. Hell, even i turtled when i was still playing single player AoK (i made maps where i used two rows of towers, one regular and one bombard, as walls, and my only tactic was aggresive castle building. One game i had +40 castles. Thats a load of castles!!!) Simwiz refers to it as a dark period in his past, which is quite strange.


Back on topic, I aslo agree on not building pre t3 forward buildings. Many a person has tried to do this to me, and i find a larger but not foward built army is a much more destructive, especially quicker, force. The tendency with fowrad bases is to stay close to your base, and to avoid venturing out too close to the cc or other armies, which can be disasterous for rushes.

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I will close the turtle argument by saying that I have never turtled in GB. AoK is a different game. AoK was my first RTS, I really don't care if I wasn't very good at it. Okay, I turtled in AoK, long ago, say what you like, I don't care. However, I still consider Sith's turtle citations (especially the false GB ones) to be attempts to lower the value of my opinion (especially when we were arguing different sides) by claiming that I am a n00b who learned everything I know from him. Those claims were not true. Are you happy now Sith? Now can we stop having all these turtle/noob/ignorant arguments?


Madrix - That is fine but I consider turtling to be a bad strategy, and I consider being labeled a turtle a huge insult.



Back to questions: What is everyone's favorite type of rush to do, and what rush do you consider to be the hardest to counter?

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sithmaster seems to be like simwiz's older brother who's continuously picking on him.

but they seem to be in some classes together or something, so i doubt it. but they're obviously good friends. they're online a lot together in the zone.

and while i could care less if someone turtles, sithmaster claims he does it... that's all. and i also know that simwiz claims to be an inter+ at this game. but that isn't true either. cuz i've beaten him, and i'm no inter+. inter+'s dont play at normal speed on explored maps which are ALWAYS the "Flats." Try playing a game w/ TS_erik or M7_Vaio, those guys are inter+'s.

don't get me wrong, i like simwiz, afterall... he hates windu, i have to like him. but he does have some funny viewpoints on some things.

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Back to questions: What is everyone's favorite type of rush to do, and what rush do you consider to be the hardest to counter?

My favorite way to rush is hitting late t2 no foward base but large army w/ medics. I usually out number my enemy, and my medics ensure even if he has/builds more, i have a better chance. My rushing army usually constists of around 15 troops, 3 mounties, 2 grenadiers, and 3 medics. I tend to follow up that strat with a fighter/bomber/airspeeder combo, with varying ratios depending on my opponent. I also tend to mix in bounties and some more grenadiers into my trooper army.


The hardest rush to defend is hitting and running w/fightersr via a quick t3. Unlike strike mechs, which almost always engage and lose to grenadiers, fighters can easily run from t2 aa troopers and also can beat them if they didnt do the "heavy" upgrade, even if outnumbered. The only easy way to stop someone from hitting and running you w/fighters is getting to t3 fast as possible and splurge on a lot of aa towers, but this leaves you very vurnable to land attacks.


pbguy, despite its name, "flats" doesnt = AoK's one map wonder arabia. It is the GB rsion of Mongolia, a unkown and unused map in AoK. Not only does its innumerous cliffs force people to play by the moment, it also seems like the most random of all the GB maps resource wise. Which makes it the most challenging and varying map in the game, thus fun and still competitive to play on.

but he does have some funny viewpoints on some things.

Couldnt have said it better myself.:)

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Pbguy, I usually play flats map in 2v2 because that is my favorite map. I don't think you want to start a "noob map" argument. In 2v2's I usually play normal speed, unexplored small-to-medium-sized flat maps.


My favorite rush is to have about a 12-14 minute T1, during which I build a moderate army and get 3 medics. I keep building a steady stream of troops and the last one comes out about the time i hit T2, when I get trooper and range upgrades as I send out 10+ troops, 3+ medics, 4 workers, and a power droid. I use scout to find a spot for forward troop center, rush with army and kill as many workers as possible, set up a turret to protect forward base and in t3 I hit them with fighters to finish off my weakened opponent.


This usually works. Most people don't seem to be expecting a rush that early. Often I have my forward troop center(s) make mounties as well, to demolish their town quickly.

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Simwiz, read my arguement in favor of flats. Mongolia and Salt Marsh were my favorite maps in AoK, but no one liked them. Although people will play flats in GB, swamp still isnt liked. I liked it in AoK because both navies and amries were equally important, and because it limited where you could expansively build. Atleast in AoM, they gave the idea another try using Watering Hole and it seems that that map will be quite popular (mainly because of the twist that only hunting and herding are on this map, and there is plantly of it. Which is great, considering I am a huge fan of Set and Odin, who rely heavily on animals).

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i think THEE most effective rush is the t3 strike mech rush. BY FAR.

Air is expensive and easily countered by an enemy in T2, but with mechs you need to have either MD's or grenaders. Grenaders cost nova are easily killed by mechs if you have enough, and MD's are expensive (lotsa carbon) that early. just my opinion.

as far as turret rushes? while they can slow you down, a few mounties can take em. IMHO

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pbguy, has anyone used grenadiers against you? Three kill a strike mech in one hit, not to mention the fact that they do splash damage, which almost always takes another strike with it. Also, grenadiers outrange strike mechs which give them even more of an advantage. About air, a fighter beats t2 aa troopers 1v2, and it gets very close 1v3. Not tomention the fact that aa missiles arent very accurate and aa troopers arent very fast, so you can essentially fly circles around them. Of course only air wont work to wipe out your enemy, you need a land army for that, but bombers and fighters do a pretty decent amount of damage vs bases.

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part of the strategy in this game is that you dont know your opponents strategy. in trying to get to t3, you need 200 nova. you also need 40 nova per grenader and 200 per padawan, you aren't gonna be able to get all of them that fast. nova isn't as precious at early t3 as it is a tad later. carbon is. if you're mining nova you don't have enough carbs and food. not to mention mechs SLAUGHTER troopers and are tough to be beaten by air.

remember, we're talking about rushing, not major assaults.

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In 1vs1 or 2vs2 Just a standard two troop centre trooper rush. 25 workers 11 min t2. build recruits while t2ing. Attack with 6 troopers at 13 mins. Build more troopers and more troop centres when required.


In games where im pocket if theres nerfs and im any civ other than Naboo or GE ill go Heavy mountys in late T2. Normally 40 hvy mountys by 18-20 mins. Then attack a pocket player. They easily kill Strike mechs so doesn't matter if there T3. The build order is --get 3 troop cntres, a power core 28 workers and a animal nursery up before t2ing.


If im feeling really lazy i'll just fighter rush. But that's boring.


If it's a game where im not sure i'll win i will Strike mech rush.

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Im talking through experience and from being on the receiving end and giving end of both strats. If your going heavy on air in t3, which i usually do, you need quite a few more nova workers, thus the excess nova. I usually create 3 at my home tc as the enemy hits t3, in anticipation of strikes (which are very common in the games i play). I also have a trooper army somewhere in the vicinity of the enemy, so i need something at home if im counterrushed. So far many opponents have strike mech rushed me, and most have lost their strike mechs and were forced to expand their armies. Also grenadiers @ home help in longer games when enemies resort to pummel drops (another common strat) or massing artillery.

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I think a combination Rush is the best type: If you want to rush in T2 then combine Hvy Mounties with Troopers & Medics, if you Rush in T3 then Adv Mounties with Strike Mechs & Medics + reinforcements via Air for their speed in getting to the enemy base.

Surround their troop centre with Mounties first - as their troops come out of the troopcentre the mounties will stop destroying the centre and destroy the troops coming out, then return to destroying the troopcentre - this stops the enemy from countering your attack with reinforcements.


Of course, if the enemy has a sizable force waiting for you, then it probabaly won't work, especially if their force is backed by Turrents. This is why it is almost always easier to defend a rush than it is to execute one.


What i do lately is wait for the enemy to Rush me and then destroy his rush whilst losing as few of my troops as possible and then Counter-rush when his force is depleted.

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see, the t3 rush is good because if done right you can get to t3 as you're being trooper rushed. and while you may lose a worker or 2, the mechs can then EASILY wipe out the troopers and go do some damage to the opposing workers.


i usually have a turret up near my carbon workers though

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