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Resources about possible JK2/Radiant errors and their solutions


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O.K. This thread will contain Links to common Quake3 engine errors encountered both during the compile process and when trying to launch Jk2.


To begin with is this link which is fairly comprehensive but the solutions for some problems are a little vague.

but it should get you started.




Then there is this forum - may take a while to hunt through though.



Rich Diesel has a short list of errors and solutions



Massassi.net has a forum dedicated to JK2 Editing and errors.



QERADIANT has a TINY list of errors & soltions.



Claudec's Lair has a huge list of links that deal with all sorts of Q3 editing topics, some of which may be of assistance. How many of the links still work I don't know.



As an extra theres this page which may help you get the game to run better - I used it to allow me to allocate more RAM to the JK2 application.



Well, that's a start if you can't find it there, Post to this thread and I will try to help as best I can.





- I edited the title to be more precise. I hope you don't mind

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I was using JK2 Radiant a while back. I tried over and over to make a small map ... you could call everything I came out with a GLITCH. So I figured caulk would solve my problems. Well not exactly. I didn't have ne caulk. The system textures wouldn't load! Then I heard of GTK Radiant. So I figured I'd give it a spin. Wow what an amazement ... works like a charm ... solved all my problems ... a must get for mappers.

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Merritt - Unfortunately after a lengthy search I have uncovered littl to nothing on your RE_Add Poly To Scene: Null Shader problem - it seems to fall into the same category as my CM_InlineModel:Bad Number problem - are you getting this in JK2 when trying to run the map - i.e. the yellow stripped warning box?

I did find someone who had the same problem but again no answers as of yet. These problems are the hardest to track down as I guess only ID really know what they're about.


I'm sorry I can't be more help on this subject.


Alvinater - The difference between JK2 and GTK are minimal but annoying. I use GTK mainly for BobToolz as I can't stand the crappy 3D display it gives me.

However neither tool can do what I really need which is to Monitor the BSP process itself - this feature was disabled in JK2 for some bizarre reason.

It really comes down to what works best for you on your machine.



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I saw an entities limit today somewhere too. Damn... can't find it but it was 6500 or something like that.

I'll see if I can track down the actual figure again.


So that's a little bit of room to play with.


As a side note: I've had to change my JK2 MP config file to allocate 128MB ram to the game so I can add bots on my map!!!



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Just found this one thismorning after getting home from work. Excellent site with a s**tload of explanations.




Hope this will proove helpful.


Also here are the mapping limitations of the Q3 engine - I hope this makes some sense to you.


#define MAX_MAP_MODELS 0x400 = 1024#define

MAX_MAP_BRUSHES 0x8000 = 32768#define

MAX_MAP_ENTITIES 0x800 = 2048#define

MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING 0x40000 = 262144#define

MAX_MAP_SHADERS 0x400 = 1024#define

MAX_MAP_AREAS 0x100 = 256#define

MAX_MAP_FOGS 0x100 = 256#define

MAX_MAP_PLANES 0x20000 = 131072 #define

MAX_MAP_NODES 0x20000 = 131072#define

MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES 0x20000 = 131072#define

MAX_MAP_LEAFS 0x20000 = 131072#define

MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES 0x20000 = 131072#define

MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES 0x40000 = 262144#define

MAX_MAP_PORTALS 0x20000 = 131072#define

MAX_MAP_LIGHTING 0x800000 = 8388608#define

MAX_MAP_LIGHTGRID 0x800000 = 8388608#define

MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY 0x200000 = 2097152#define

MAX_MAP_DRAW_SURFS 0x20000 = 131072#define

MAX_MAP_DRAW_VERTS 0x80000 = 524288#define

MAX_MAP_DRAW_INDEXES 0x80000 = 524288


// key / value pair sizes in the entities lump


#define MAX_KEY 32

#define MAX_VALUE 1024

#define MIN_WORLD_COORD ( -65536 )

#define MAX_WORLD_COORD ( 65536 )





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  • 4 weeks later...

check the junk.txt file in your documents & settings/user_name/local settings/temp folder


This shows waht occured during the compile process.

If you are not getting a bsp, there is a 'fatal' error in your map, like a leak for example.


Check this the junk.txt file and you should find the problem, then use one of the sites listed above to find a solution to the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm having a problem with my Entities Window in JK2 Radiant. When I bring up the window. It appears too tall. I cannot reach the botton, it is way below the bottom of my screen. I try to resize it but it will not allow me to do so. I can't change the direction of my doors or the intensity of my lights:mad: .


Please help, or direct my to where I can get help.

Thanks in advance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

Im happy to see find this forum, cause i see we can solve most problems with your shared experiences and knowledge:

Here goes my failing part:

---- Vis ----

reading d:/jedi2/gamedata/base/maps/8d.bsp

reading d:/jedi2/gamedata/base/maps/8d.prt

2716 portalclusters

11264 numportals

7171 numfaces

22528 active portals

0 hint portals


0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (165) (<-what does it means?)

12 average number of passages per leaf

371 MB required passage memory (<- what does it means?)

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...Unspecified error - please contact John or Rick. (<-what does it means?)


Only 1040704 gridArrays used out of 1048576

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (351) (Whats this?)

202 x 112 x 46 = 1040704 grid

56503 unique grid light points (whats this?)

0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (177)

Lightmaps exceed max memory (11501568 > 8388608) (whats this?)


Im working on my first map yet, i intend to do a ctf map for jk2, no doors or elevators.

I use lots of lights, the reason why i deleted most of them cause i kept on getting this "too many unique lights on grid!" error.

I use GTKradiant and Jk2radiant cause both are usefull for different things, since i have now hardware limitations (changed from a gf ti 4200 to a kyro 2// btw i get some white textures now instead of seeing the real ones, and lots other textures errors due to my actual graphs card, which i understand).

Although my actual graphs card doesnt give me the necessary power to use the editor, ive downloaded and installed this SciTech GLDirect, applied the CAD driver settings and i can work better with it (i think its good for some less powerfull graphics card´s users like me)

The thing is, that the process is not aborted it runs all the way, and in the end i notice that the size of my bsp file its +/- 5mb instead of 14mb (usual size when everything runs well).

I worked on one base first, then copied, pasted and "mirrored" it, changed the entities and light´s colors, etc and when i try to run the map, it loads the old map, before all these changes.

- I had that bad number error once, ive found the solution somewhere but i cant find it now :/, i think i copied the entire map and pasted it on a new one, not sure though.

The thing is that i have errors in junk.txt that i cant understand or solve


Notes: i have 199 lights / 1517 brushes / 339 entities / 1110 net brush count

Tks for the possible help

cheers, Paulo

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