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"CM_Inlinemodel : Number Bad" Errors


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It's a new one to me, but I know this much - it has to do with doors.


I have four areas in a map I'm doing where this happens, and all four happen JUST AFTER I pass through a door.


Anyone with any information on this error and how to fix it, PLEASE post here. I know for fact I'm not the only one to have encountered it.

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did you use CSG subtract to make the door ways? Just curious..it's the same problem I had with my first map. I'm currently waiting to hear back from someone at Ravensoft about this error for someone elses map. The only way I got around it was to go back a few versions before until I found one that didn't give me that error. Well good luck, I'll post here if I find out what causes it and if there is a solution for fixing it.



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go back to a version that works (ie, load up your earlier versions in game until you find one that works) then find that map (if you still have it) and go from there. You can copy everything except the doors to the working map and compile it. Once you have a version that you know works, then work on the doors. Of course all of this may have already occured to you and if that's the case, kindly disregard this posting. :) .


Now I don't know if this matters, but when I used CSG subtract to make a door way, I was cutting into a structural wall that lead to the void. After I went back to my earlier version, I used the clipping method to make my doorway on that same wall and I experienced the same error. So then I tried making doorways in walls inside my map with both CSG Subtract and the Cipping method and I found my doorways/doors worked just fine. So my thoughts were, that maybe once a wall has been established as a wall that leads to the void,it can't be cut into? But then I did it on another wall that led to the void and it worked just fine.


So I went back to the problem wall, and added a small hallway in the place of where the door would be and at the end of the hall, I put in my door and then I was able to connect another room. I realized that whenever I put in a door in that problem wall, I got that error. So putting in that hallway and then putting in the door at the end was my way around it. So I don't know if this helps at all, and when I find out something more from Ravensoft, I'll let you know.



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Ok, here is the response I've received from Ravensoft.


First Response"


"I would imagine that one of the models you are trying to use was put

together wrong or got fuxored somehow. Try removing the models in a test

version of your level and see if it will compile. Especially, remove any

custom models you put into the map. I have not seen this error before



We tried that and it didn't work, so I replied with more detail about the problem and here is second reply:



"This is the first thing our programmers said about your problem. If you have already tried this then please send me your mapfile.


This normally occurs when you do an ents only bsp - doing a full bsp fixes it (or did for us anyway)


The unspecified error is a try/catch block to handle crashes!"


So now we're (if Monsoontide wants to) going to send in his map and they're going to debug it and figure out what the problem is.


I'll keep you all posted as things develop! :)



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Hmmm. I havent even put any models IN this map yet. And the doors were made the same way as the others...


And WTH is an Entity only BSP? I havent seen that in JK2Rad


Yeah I think those were specific things for Q3t version of Radiant. We've sent them the map and here is one of their responses.


"Possible causes being thrown around right now:


1. One point to make clear is that a map made for SP with not necessarily load in MP and vice-versa. One should load a map with the appropriate Radiant project. There is one for MP and one for SP. Only the entities listed in the appropriate project are valid for their respective game modes. I don't know that that is the problem just yet, but it's a hunch.


2. In JK2MP the brushmodel limit is half of what it is in SP (256 in MP and 512 in SP, I think). So he's probably exceeding the limit for MP."


I'll post more as I get it.



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To be honest, I'm not sure what he meant exactly about brushmodels unless he's talking about the brushes used to make up the model?? Oh well, not a big deal, at least they are debugging the map and he's going to give me an explanation of what were the causes/problems and I'll put them up here. Hopefully they will be helpful and we can once and for all finally have a solution for this problem.




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I think by Brush_models he perhaps means standard world brushes that have been changed into a "model" i.e. like a door or platform or breakable.


I need to do a count on my map and see how many I have!!!!


Lets see 1... 2... 3... ;-) I'll have to get back to you on that one!!!


DOn't forget that the number of brush models will include all the separate parts of one lift for example I have two lifts each amde of 5 pieces - so thats 10 brush models right there. - I wonder if it includes triggers?


Ya know if it dowes, I'd definitely be over the limit!!! Maybe I'll look into that one myself!!!



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I'm having Ford at Ravensoft help me with my map too...no matter what I try, I can't find an infinite brush..even with bobtoolz. So here's his latest response:


"You need to grab the gtk v. 1.2.9 and the 1.2.10 update. Install 1.2.9, and then the update. Before installing them you should get rid (uninstall) any other versions of radiant on your machine. Go through and manually remove what the uninstaller misses. Now run regedit, and run a search for radiant entries and delete them. Once you are sure your hard drive is clear of old radiant files, install the two new GTK versions. They work perfectly on all of my systems. Take care :)"


So I'm going to try this since nothing else has worked.



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That would only work if it were a compile issue, which we already know it isnt.


Uh Shadriss, we were talking about getting the updated GTK so we could get rid of some elusive infinite brushes that we just can't seem to find through the usual methods. So it IS a compile issue :) . They're (ravensoft) still debugging monsoontide's map as of this morning and hopefully we'll have a definite answer about the CM_Inlinemodel : Number Bad" Error soon.



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Ok Shadriss,


Here's the deal - I removed a whole lot of unecessary doors on my map - in particular 6 made up up of 6 brushes each and after running another quick compile - my CM_Inline Model:Bad Number problem has gone!!! ;-)


So I guess as the guys at Raven suggested, - there is a limit to the number of Brush Models in MP.


As far as your map goes, I'd say get rid of as many uneccessary doors / platforms / lifts etc as you can and see if that helps!


It kinda sucky though!


On a side note check out the new FPS Sracraft Game at Blizzard.com - quite cool looking - I hope it's MODable!!!



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Thanks for the info, Monsoon. That kills my map though - That SD was going to be a RPG map... I'd have to eliminate almost 75% of the good stuff in there to get around that problem. Ah well...


And that FPS Starcraft thing... you didnt read it enough. It's slated for X-Box only at this time. So much for modding, eh? :(

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