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trouble getting models to work


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hey i have aquestion i've been meaning to ask but never got around to it. I just downloaded the night elf model, i installed it properly and everything, but when i started up multiplayer and went to select the model, it wasn't there no picture or anything. this also happened to me with goreld's ( i hope i spelled it right) royal guard model, and i never got it working. so my question is, can anyone help me get these models to work? the both look so cool and i can't use em! it's driving me nuts!

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Yeah, it could be too many files in your folder, or one is set to take the place that the night elf should be in. I dled it and put it in and it works fine for me, so like it was already suggested, take some files out of your folder (i'm sure you have at least some that are unecessary).

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