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Custom Skybox


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I'm having trouble implementing my skybox.


The map is not displaying the textures for my skybox, nor does it have any sort of lighting affect on the map.


My current situation, and what I have done in attempt to implement my skybox:


  • Created the .shader file.
  • Added my shader to the shaderlist.txt file.
  • Created this directory for my shader textures: \textures\genome (Which is located in the base directory, of course.)
  • Named my shader textures like so:
  • top3_up.jpg
  • top3_rt.jpg
  • top3_lf.jpg
  • top3_ft.jpg
  • top3_dn.jpg
  • top3_bk.jpg


My shader script




lightcolor ( 0 0 1 )

qer_editorimage textures/genome/sky_edit_image.jpg

q3map_surfacelight 35

sun 0.75 0.79 1 130 0 40

surfaceparm sky

surfaceparm noimpact

surfaceparm nomarks


skyParms textures/genome/top3 512 -



To put this in perspective, I've duplicated the shader script for the bluelight skybox, and in the place of it's textures, I am using my own.


The shader appears in my editor (GtkRadiant), however after applied to several textures, and the map being compiled (fastvis 1/2)... The textures for my skybox are displayed as a black plane, with white grid lines.


Someone, anyone, please post a reply if you spot a problem, and how I should go about fixing/implenting this skybox.

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skyParms textures/genome/top3 512 -


Which references to:


D:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\textures\genome



Shader textures located in the preceeding directory...










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Typically when I'm posting a problem and seek support I'll do the following, in this order.


1: Try to implement it on my own.

2: Read posts relating to it.

3: Create a thread to obtain support (I try to provide as many details as possible.)

4: Keep to implement my mapping idea, while waiting for a response and read more related threads. Usually in futility.

5: ....

6: Solution!


This is also a way for me to log my activies (providing the details of my attempt) and go over them. Usually something will click.

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Now, I'm very interested in your Step 5, for it looks like it's the actual solution to your problems, while Step 6 seems to be just noticing the fact there's no longer a problem. Otherwise, your way of problem solving is the same as with other people, I think. As far as I can see, most solutions to your problems you indeed get from other posts, either by chance or by... well, a better chance. And one should never forget the examples Raven kindly left us. They are more precious than any other source.

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I can't give you any sun-numbers right away, though if you give a glance at the skies shader, you will see a short span of text in the beginning telling you what the numbers mean. After that, it's easy enough. And in the end, you must try it out with you map. But I can tell you, it WORKs quit nicely. I have used it with a sunset skybox and the long shadows are relatively good.

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What to say? :)


q3map_sun <red> <green> <blue> <intensity> <degrees> <elevation>


The RGB components are between 0 and 1.

Intensitiy is much like the light key in light entites. Set 100 for a bright sun.

Degrees say which direction the sun is (0 to 360).

Elevation say how high is the sun in degrees so 0 to 90.

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