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Guest lancer one

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Guest lancer one

I'm trying to get all three bonuses for each level, but I can't seem to get that last bonus on Coruscant. Can someone tell me where I should look for the "secret" areas? You know, those areas that aren't obvious and you have to go out of your way to get to them...they usually have enough power-ups to get me that third bonus.



"any hep hair would be hot" (yes, it -is- spelled like that, just check the script)

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Do u mean power ups, or just hidden stuff??


Well, eather way, u should lok aroung and if u see a building roof that isn't showing all the way, jump on it. (u may noy wanna try it if u r in the secound half of the level w/ very few credits)


Good luck, and may the force be w/ u

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Guest lancer one

Well I mean both kind of. Like on Tatooine, you can drop off that one platform to find a hidden platform with a hut, a jawa and a ton of powerups. I figure there must be some hidden place that I'm not finding in Coruscant. I heard that you have to jump towards the screen to a roof that you can't see, but I don't know if that's true and I don't have any idea where to try it if it is true.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest ihatecrosswinds

I am also having much trouble on the Coruscant level. I try and try, but cannot seem to max out the level. I doubled-back at the point in the beginning that Wart recommends in his guide, but are there any more points I can double-back at to easily max out the level? Any help would be great.






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Guest ShadeShifter

If you looking for more point....


The 1000 pt. marker is after the third car you ride on (the car right after the first continue marker). Go across the next two cars and hop to the ledge. Jump on the platform with the guy shooting at you, the jump to the platform on the right. You then jump up to another platform and then jump over a wall which has a green guy passing back and forth. Head all the way to the left until you reach the end. There is another building to the left that you can jump to. It has the 1000 pt. marker.


I can't remember exactly where the 2500 pt marker is. I think that its after the game loads the second half of the level (I'm not for sure how far after). You can see a walkway in the distance to the north. Theres a building that you can jump to and then jump to the walkway. The 2500 pt marker is there.


If you still need more points there are 2 more continue markers that you can back track from: the 3rd continue marker and the very last continue marker. I have scored over 60,000 pts. in this level. It just takes some work.




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Guest ihatecrosswinds

Check it, yo...I played Coruscant last night, and was sure I was going to finish the level with more than 51K, but I got to the end with only 50,774 points!! I was more than a little ticked off. So, I get to play the level over again. This time I'll be sure to get the big points, thanks for your help!








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