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Has your computer ever crashed while saving a map?

Don Gero

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This happened to me recently. I'm making a MP map of the Senate Landing Platform on Coruscant complete with the Royal Starship and everything. I saved the .MAP as I do every so often and Radiant just crashed on me. When I went back into it there were only a handfull of brushes that were saved.


Needless to say my heart stopped beating for a good five seconds and the blood in my veins clotted, forcing me into a coma-like trance. After the initial shock came the period of "Wait... That's not right... I don't think that's supposed to... Ha ha ha, that's funny... STUPID PIECE OF..."


I eventually found the .BAK and recovered everything. Has anybody else had a similar neardeath experience? And is that what the .BAK is for? My .MAP wont not compile or something equaly evil, right?

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I got my computer last Christmas and I haven't reformatted it since I got it so I think the drivers for my graphics card have been corrupted or seomthing. My GeFroce 3 is the source all my computer's problems these days. But the problems with brushes and meshes sounds like a legit explaination too. The Royal Starship needs a lot of curves.


I think I'll pick up the habit of saving in two sources from now on :rolleyes:

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