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well i was reading the other thread about the colisuem and it sounds like a good idea. but that brings up my question. will there be some type of sports to play? an example of this is if you played final fantays x there is a side game called "blitz ball" also in jedi outcast there is "water ball"(i think that was the name) it doesnt have to be some type of sport just some sort of organized event. do you guys get what im trying to type here?

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The only games I've heard of, is board games such as Dejarik (Holochess), and cardgames such as Sabracc (very much like blackjack or 21).


These can be found for instance in space shuttles that will take you between planets. And believe you me, it will be needed. The journey can apperantly take anything from 3 minutes to 15-20 minutes (This is an estimate by me. The longest trip could be less than my highest figure, and it can be higher).

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