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Pod Racing - Entertainers


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Apologies if these have been asked before...didn't want to wade through months of posts. :jawa




Do you think there will be organized Pod Racing, or other wagering type events in the game? :jawa


Also, if anyone knows what the benefits/drawbacks there would be for the Entertainer position? :jawa


Can you get booked at Jabba's Palace or a dinner for the Emperor or something as a performer? :jawa


Will there be concerts that you can sell tickets for and such? :jawa


So many questions...thanks for any input! :jawa




See you in the Galaxy!



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Actually, these questions haven't been asked that much, not here anyway. :D


Do you think there will be organized Pod Racing, or other wagering type events in the game?

Yes, if not by the game it will be by the players themselfs. Maybe not pod racing, but definatly other kinds of racing and games. One here is talking about building an arena, kinda like the Roman Coliseum. That'd be cool. :)


Also, if anyone knows what the benefits/drawbacks there would be for the Entertainer position?

No, I don't know of any, except unemployment perhaps. Don't really know exactly how this profession will work other than you can heal people more quickly.


Can you get booked at Jabba's Palace or a dinner for the Emperor or something as a performer?

Jabba, maybe.

The emperor, highly unlikely. It would require you to go to Coruscant in most cases.


Will there be concerts that you can sell tickets for and such?

Possibly, but my guess is someone will have to organize it themselfs.

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