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The saber-through-the-back problem


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Can anyone explain how to solve this in terms a relative newbie can understand? It's discussed in the adding-NPCs thread, but I really don't get it.


(I've created a new NPC by reskinning a Reborn, but he holds his gun in his crotch, a most uncomfortable way to fire a weapon, and his lightsaber comes out of, well, someplace any doctor will tell you never to stick a lightsaber.)

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Here's what I have in my .npc file:




playerModel RebornJawa

saberColor red

rank lt

reactions 3

aim 3

move 5

aggression 4

evasion 3

intelligence 5

hfov 160

vfov 160

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

// race human

class Reborn

snd RebornJawa

sndcombat RebornJawa

sndjedi RebornJawa

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

health 75

scale 60

dismemberProbHead 5

dismemberProbArms 20

dismemberProbLegs 5

dismemberProbHands 30

dismemberProbWaist 5



Yes, I have changed all the folder names appropriately. ;)


The saber still comes out his back, and he still holds his rifle in his crotch.

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