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Pls Help!!!!!


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OK, heres whats happening. I have alot of maps in the base folder of all types, I just went crazy with downloading when i found that jedioutcastmaps web site, and now i cant find most of them when i start a server just to get screenshots or anything.

So, I'm wondering if anyone has also had this problem, or if there is a limit to the number of maps you can have in the base folder, or whatever and if any one has any ideas on how to remedy this.

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The number of maps that show up in the list is limited but you can use all maps in the base folder . To load a map open the console ( with shift + key left to 1 ) and enter

map {mapname}

example: map ffa_bespin

The command

dir map

will show a list of the names of every map ( you can scroll with the page up/down keys ).

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