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Is JPB worth my money?

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Guest Acid_Rain327

No. Not in the least.


The game is entirely unfinished, and this fall Lucas Arts plans to release a "finished" version of the game on Sega Dreamcast.


We are all rather bitter, and I personally don't want to see any other Lucas Arts supporters blatantly ripped off.

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Guest Boba_Fett

I have to disagree. I reckon its an awesome game!! Sure, there are a couple of bugs but its a addictive and most of all fun game to play. I think its well worth my hard earned cash!

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Yeah, I love this game. I'm just a 12 year old kid and money is hard to come by for me. I had to work really hard for 2 months (yep I just got the game not too long ago) to get it, and I don't regret it in the least.

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Guest obi-tom-kenobi





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Guest Darth_Simpson

My advice is try before you buy. I love this game, it is awesome, but some people don`t like it. If you have a DC, wait for that version!

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Guest Acid_Rain327

People, we all know the game is unfinished, and not worth the cash or frustration. And in about three to four months, it'll be obsolete.


If you have a Dreamcast, wait for that version!!


If you don't, I suggest you only buy this game if you are a die-hard Star Wars fan, who has to have every game (myself included, despite it's downsides lately...), and you have about two weeks to kill before total frustration and lack of interest kick in.


For myself, and countles others, this is the single most buggy, unfinished game I've ever played.


But, my opinion is the radical opposite of everyone else here...

So, support your local Blockbuster and rent it.


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Guest 84Elan

Acid no one here is debating that the game is not buggy or unfinished it is definatly that. To call it a diamond in the rough is being nice but it is a good game dispite its problems.





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Guest Kurgan

I think this game had alot of hype and potential, but the truth is, it just isn't fun (at least we think so). My roommate and his friend played it and didn't like it either. There's so many flaws that keep it from being a winner, such as the overly long saber swing animations that you can't break out of, the lack of jumping moves, and the annoying jump puzzles.


Might be worth a rental, just to see what it's like and be fair, but that's about it.


If you just want a good PSX Ep1 single player game, go with TPM.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited June 17, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Kurgan, not to be rude, but TPM is the worst Star Wars game I have played, a disgrace to the name Star Wars.


[This message has been edited by Jedi Kenobi (edited June 18, 2000).]

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Originally posted by Kurgan:


If you just want a good PSX Ep1 single player game, go with TPM.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited June 17, 2000).]



What??? TPM for PSX is horrible. Bugs galore, stupid moves, painted look to the lightsaber. I strongly disagree with you on this. TPM for PSX is THE WORST game, period. Two upsides to it:


1. Music video of Duel of the Fates included.




2. You can save at any point in the game.


MANY bad things about it, too many to name them all, so I'll just give you a taste. When Maul runs Qui-Gon thru, his saber misses Qui-Gon's side by what would be a foot. It's bad...it's worse than bad. It's pure filth. TPM makes JPB look like the best PSX game on the market.






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Guest Kurgan

Well not to be rude, but JPB is the worst Ep1 game I've ever played, bar none.


If you're a fan, that's okay, just sharing my opinion. JPB could have been so much better, but it was very disapointing.


Graphics are not my concern, gameplay is.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited June 21, 2000).]

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Guest ShadeShifter

But JPB is not worse than the Phantom Mentace on Playstation. I do agree that JPB has it's flaw (more than some), but it is a lot more fun to play, and it has a much higher replay value, IMO. I've played through JPB 8 times while I've only playd TPM once since I beat it. Granted, TPM on the PC is a much better game graphically and in play, but I can't say the same for the one on Playstation.


If you want my opinion on whether or not you should get JPB, I suggest you rent it first. That is the best thing to do. If you've got a Dreamcast, wait for the JPB release on it and then see if they made any improvements (Lucasarts can't make the same mistakes twice, can they). If not, personally I recomend JPB on Playstation. I went throught the game relatively quick so my experience with the game is shorter than most, but for some the game can has a very extended period of playing. But I do say, rent it first if possible, or if you a die-hard Star Wars fan.





Come to the TimeSlide.


Thanks to Jedi Kanigget for the pic.

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Guest Jedi Kanigget

Originally posted by Kurgan:

Graphics are not my concern, gameplay[/i] is.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited June 19, 2000).]


There's gameplay in TPM??? Coulda fooled me. smile.gif





Darth Wart's Strategy Guide in a friendly, easy to use form!(Sorry, that was bad.)


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Guest jedihorn1

Ok, at the risk of sounding real repetitive:

you said you have a DC. Thats good, get the game for DC. It will be much better than the PSX version. If you would like to get an idea of how the game will be, rent it for psx. I, personally, do not regret buying the game. Like my friends have said, the PSX version does have bugs and a few annoying gameplay problems(the jumping). But, overall, I still really enjoyed this game. The fun doesnt wear off untill you play itnon-stop for months on end, which most of us veterines here did. But it definatly does have a replayability factor. In fact, I kinda wanna go back and mess around with it now.




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Guest Kurgan

There's gameplay in TPM??? Coulda fooled me.


Actually, it does! ; )


TPM has it's own set of flaws.. namely the non-Jedi characters are too weak, and not much fun to play as (imagine going from godlike to "weakling" in the middle of a level).


Not only that but the jump puzzles are annoying, and the camera can become annoying.


However, JPB, while buggy and unfinished, has more serious problems. Why? I think the gameplay is inherently flawed. It relies almost, as one review put it, a "chess type interface" where you pull off a move, then wait for the results, as opposed to actually feeling like you're controlling your character.


Make a mistake in your button mashing, and you're forced to wait while you do a bunch of complex swings to no avail, all the while being BEAT UP by enemies that didn't last a split second in the movies.


I just didn't find that fun. Plus the fact that it makes no sense that a wimpy battle droid can block your saber, and takes multiple hits to die (granted, some of the characters in TPM were able to block sabers, which also sucked, but not to the degree in JPB).


JPB has some cool features, like the secrets, and the ability to pick more characters at the start, but there is just so much lacking, as I have dronned on and on about before.


The Dreamcast version probably won't do much to improve the inherent flaws of the game, only add some visual splendor. But can you "polish a turd," I would ask? Surely those who already love the game will find it a marvelous idea, but will there will be enough to justify buying essentially the same game twice?


Yes, you can see I am in the minority here. This is JPB's own forum, and you'll mainly be hearing from fans. As they have suggested, play the game before you decide to buy it, you'll be glad you did. Don't let all the gloss of Star Wars sink you with a stinker.



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Guest obi_wan_kenobi

i agree with you jedihorn1 and ya i think all us vetrens have played it non stop untill we beat it about 800 times

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Guest Acid_Rain327

Kurgan is the man.


Way to sum it up, buddy. I couldn't have contrasted the games any better myself.


And, I whole heartedly agree that JPB is THE worst Star Wars game to ever have been made.

And I find it perplexing that people thrash TPM sooo much, and place JPB on a pedistal above it.


The game is crap; even the programers themselves would tell you that.

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Guest ShadeShifter

I never felt like I was just waiting for a character to pull off a move in JPB. Good use of the lock button give you considerable control over where your attacks go. In most cases if you kill an enemy befor a combo is through, you can switch to a different enemy and finish the combo on it. This is especially fun if you've got the ultimate saber and let enemies gang up on you. IMO, the gameplay was one of the best features of JPB.





Come to the TimeSlide.


Thanks to Jedi Kanigget for the pic.

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Guest Jedi Kenobi

Yep. I thought TPM was good the first time through, then it sucked. I agree JPB is buggy and unfinished, but I've never had problems with long combos. And if the droids block my attack, I attack 'em with the force (my greatest ally).

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Guest the13thJedi

Short and Sweet: I've had TPM for about 7 months, JPB for 3 months.... I still play TPM and enjoy it emensly... I don't play JPB anymore and I'd be hard pressed to ever again. Unless of course someone hacks a character mod code for Double-Bladed maul which works. By the way, There are a few who are very close to completing the code.




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