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help - promod


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hey i got promod. but have been able to play it. its installed correctly and everything i see the splash screen but i can't find a server...i use qtracker and click to connect to a server running promod, but it opens promod and just goes to the jedi outcast list of servers without any trace of the server im connecting to......once i click connect to server should it go straight into the game???? it takes me to the splash screen and i have to go through the process manually and when i get the server list there are nothing saying PROMOD.



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So qtracker isn't launching you directly into the ProMod game server when you double click it? Try grabbing the name of my official server out of my signature in this post and looking for it in the in-game server browser or in qtracker. Let me know if that still doesn't work for you.

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ok I got it. this is what I was doing. I had the game JK2 set to launch the promod.bat when starting a game. it loaded up to your splash screen once i clicked a server to connect to.


so then i changed it to the normal multiplayer exe.....and when i click a server it launches straight into the server clicked.

since promod.bat launches the game...shouldnt it just work?


alot of players might not be finding promod servers or being able to log onto them.


also how come qtracker lists over 400 servers running jk2 and the ingame multiplayer screen of jk2 only lists like 30? those are the dedicated ones?

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your in game server browser is probably filtering all the empty and full servers out of the list you're seeing.


Also, qtracker shouldn't be using the promod.bat file to launch the game. qtracker itself creates a command line string on the fly and launches by appending that string to the name of the executable. So, if you try to launch using the promod.bat file, then you'll end up with conflicts. Just have it launch using jk2mp.exe, it'll find the promod directory if you're going into a promod server.

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