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Join the IRON Brigade....


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we are a group of gamers who just play for the pure enjoyment of it. usually bout once a month we try to formally challenge other clans. IRON players tend to be on a higher level of skill than most. we are interested in anyone who just likes to play the game (winning is a plus). we welcome challenges too but right now we are set on recruiting if you're interested go to


BUT B4 anything is final u will be tested on your skill just to see where you are. since i am issuing the recruitment most times i will be the one to test you. also if you're interested just post here and i'll be sure to get back to you.

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I second that...IRON is a great clan for mature gamers looking to have a good time while retaining their normal lives. That being said we do have some very skilled saberist, but we welcome all skill levels. If you're interested, stop by the site and check us out and see if IRON is the right place for you. After an app is submitted, a meeting will be arranged. Look forward to seeing you! Reptile IRON aka SuperLen

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we use saber only no guns.

force jump and throw most times.

the site has been updated to state that we are only on 1.04 and will re patch again if another patch comes out. but if you guys r interested in joinin just post in the public forum of JK2 forums. and i will get to you for your trial

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