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Pro Mod Servers


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Originally posted by Psychobobvr21

So far what i have seen of pro mod it is great.......

However no one seems to be playing it when i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've been running a server the for the last few days:


"Duel Sabre/NF ProMod"


Since then the log shows that around 700+ clients trying to connect but almost all of them either have autodownload disabled, an unpure pak file, don't want to wait thru the download(maxrate set to 60,000) or some other unkown problem. About 3 players have connected properly so far :confused: .


Then there are those who connect but time-out after a whole lot of "Warning: MSG overflow for Xplayer" messages. About two dozen client have fallen to this fate thus far. Not sure what to make of it :confused: .


I've been waiting around the server for victims, but few have yet fallen into my web. :evil6:


But if I'm not there, then take on Tavion if you think you can handle her.


p.s. make sure to enable dismember :chop1:

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Damn, that's a huge number of people trying to connect incorrectly. I'll have to set the client's autodownload cvar to true by default from now on. Maybe even make it unchangeable as well. I can't really see any detrimental effects to having it permanently on.


Anyone got a reason I shouldn't make this happen?

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Its the client auto download that needs to be enable. Until they upload the mod you can't fix the little bastards. ;)


Now that Zerowingzero mentioned it I remember an ancient post on how SlowMotion death was causing connection problems for dedicated servers.


The traffic and uploads have picked up considerably since his friendly reminder of the Slow motion death bug.


Maybe you could fix this bug? :D SlowmotionDeaths really enhance duels.


I've mailed you some info on my server.

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Just curious but when you release Beta 3 will it automatically overwrite beta 2 in their ProMod directory during auto downloads?


Or should it have its own directory. I wonder if those with beta 1 are having trouble connecting to beta 2 servers...


You probably already have this covered but just thought I'd mention it.



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Yes, beta 3 will be going in its own directory this time. I thought using the same directory would be simpler, but it turned out to be more trouble than a new directory.


I hadn't thought about people using beta 1 having trouble connecting. That certainly makes sense. I wonder if the engine knows when a .pk3 file has been changed if it has the same name as the file on the client. Someone willing to test this?

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Just found beta1 .pak and installed to the emptied promod folder.


I logged on to my server thru my LAN and after the D/L the mod worked fine. The old pack file was there and the new pack file was named something like "promod.01bb1949.pk3"


Seems to work fine with previous version.



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Yep, apparently the engine still does some sort of checksum after it finds pak files with matching filenames. I remember when I played on the Worms World dueling server, having at least three different coexisting versions of duel_waterfall.pk3 that I downloaded from the server. So theoretically, if a user with Beta 1 connects and his autodownload is enabled, the game will download the Beta 2 file as normal.

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